Thursday, December 22, 2005

Anyone see anything wrong with this?

NO nephews were hurt while taking this photograph....

(just in case you were worried)

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Bad Jessica! to a VERY reliable source...Jessica Simpson & Adam Levine did in fact hook May 2004 (yah..that's right 18months ago) at our very own Kiss Concert.

Monday, December 19, 2005

No Hope

Okay...saddest thing EVER! Jessica has filed for divorce from Nick. All my hopes and dreams of them reconciling, or this being a big stunt to get the media off their back are gone...
To read more about this sad day go to :
My friends and I always said if Nick & Jessica can't make it, we're all I guess its good I'm single. I have like 4 friends that will be filing for divorce soon based on this notion ;)

Thursday, December 15, 2005

You'r Glib

Cruise Control? Tom Tops List of Wacky Stars

CRUISE WOOS KATIE: Even the "mid-life crisis" excuse can't explain Cruise's eye-popping behavior: his couch-jumping "Oprah" antics; the proclamation of love for cutie Katie Holmes and ensuing engagement after two minutes of dating; their suck-face appearances on red carpets; his tangling with Matt Lauer on the "Today" show ... next time, instead of jumping on a couch, Cruise should consider laying on one.

For full story on all the fun wack jobs:

But seriously...the guy is tapped. I dont' know much about scientology..but I did take a class on phsychology of communication, and if you have a powerful enough 'leader' people will believe ANYTHING. This Ron. L Hubbard guy must be a pretty convincing writer, because he's one heck of a brain washer! Does anyone else remember those commercials for Dianetics (sp)? Those were great..I never had any idea what that was when I was little. Oh! Remember how it used to be in the check out line at the grocery store!? Am I dating myself.
And..i'd like to say...Katie Holme's sponge like brain which has sucked up all this bullsh*t and turned her into a freak just confirms all my gut feelings about her that she was annoying and stupid..from teh day she climbed up that ladder into dawson's bedroom i've disliked that girl. I obviously have an innate sense about people and am an excellent judge of character...

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Lunch with Theo update

So according to the bid for lunch with Theo has gone up(for all of you who care) and it might just be me who cares... Are you ready.... you sure....

Lunch with Theo Epstein

Opening Bid:
Leading Bid:
$15,300.00 by BroadVoice
Number of Bids:
72 (bid history)

I understand that a lot of the bids may be because of the recent reports of Lucchino leaving a "light on for him" but seriously.... that is ALOT of money, for a lunch with him.... I mean I like him and all, but $15,300.... You could go on vacation some place REALLY good for that!

Monday, December 12, 2005

$3,500 for lunch with Theo?

I know it is for a good cause and all(benefits The Home for Little Wanderers, where his bro works) but that is a LOT of money. This better not be the divorce settlement lady from Hot Stove Cool Music. She allready had a chance to "chat" with him. I mean I get to chat with him all the time so this is no biggie for me.... and he seriously needs to make a decision to be with the Sox or not. If he does come back I may have to tell him that he should have done this a week or so ago. Our team is half gone... did he just not want to be the bad guy? Maybe i will ask him when he calls.

Lunch with Theo Epstein

Opening Bid:
Leading Bid:
$3,200.00 by meg68
Number of Bids:
52 (bid history)
Time Left:
3 days 8 hours 23 minutes
Online Open:
Nov 29, 2005 8:00 AM EST
Online Close:
Dec 15, 2005 11:00 PM EST
Add Watch Bid on Item

Item Number: 135
Estimated Value: Priceless
Description: Get to know the real Theo Epstein over lunch at The Fireplace in Brookline. Theo, a Brookline native, became the youngest General Manager in baseball history at age 28. He is most famous as the GM who led the Red Sox to their first World Series victory in 86 years in 2004, reversing the curse. Theo resigned from the club in October, leaving many people wondering what his next move will be. This summer, Theo set up "A Foundation to be Named Later" with his twin brother Paul, raising over $300,000 for children at risk. Located at 1634 Beacon Street in Brookline, The Fireplace is a New England grill and barbeque, with an emphasis on wood-smoked and rotisserie dishes utilizing the freshest offerings of the New England region.
Special Instructions: Liquor not included. Date to be mutually agreed upon with Theo Epstein. Winning bidder will be contacted after the auction closes on December 15th.
Donated By:
Theo Epstein
Jim Solomon, Owner of The Fireplace Restaurant

Lost without Lost

:( Lost is on a 6 week hiatus... and it makes me sad. Yes, I could watch the reruns and see all the weird coincidences I missed, like jack walking behind Shannon in the hospital. But really I want to see the NEW episodes. I want to know what will happen with the Jack/kate/sawyer thing. According to my favorite tvdiva and apparently good friend because i refer to her in my conversations like she is.. Kristin( There is more of a Jack and Ana-lucia attraction coming up. I am sad by this, I don't really like Ana Lucia, but apparently Kate is no angel either. But really unless there is some birth control in the hatch that they never showed us, Aaron is going to have some friends to play with if they aren't off the island in the next year or so.

Thought I would include some Lost websites to check out while you are missing Lost like me:

Friday, December 09, 2005

Snow Sucks that i will be stuck at work for the whole weekend thanks to the blizzard brewing outside my window....snow sucks!!!


Why is the OC sucking? What happened to the sorted affairs of Julie more hooking up with high more scams..i mean.she went on a date and NOTHING!! The strip club thing was is always anything involving Marissa. That kid Johnny..has turned into a total loser-and what will happen with the whole Brown College plot? My guess, is that neither of them get in....I mean how else will the OC continue? Though...if it keeps sucking..i don't think it should. Let's all say a silent prayer that this years Chrismakuh Miracle is that the OC stops sucking!!

Yay Snow!!

View from my cube :)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My promise to you....

So... yes... Amy and I have decided that we are WAY funnier than some people who have blogs! And yes... yes we are.... (i know you are saying prove it! but hang in there blog reader who doesn't want to work and is surfing the internet pretending to work). I have decided that now that we have a blog and it is to be used wisely I should promise to you, dear reader, that i will TRY to not drink and blog. Now all bets are off on this when my P.I.C. and I are drinking together and we find ourselves completely entertaining(like you didn't guess that all ready) and decide we want to post about... PYT's or our completely naive nature.

Tis The Season

I know what you're thinking...'it can't be!" but yes, it is...thanks to the OCInsider, you too can celebrate all that is Chrismukkah with your very own Yarmuclaus. The Yarmuclaus is the ultimate Chrismukkah fashion statement. The website warns that there are very limited quantities, so make sure you get yours soon!

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

And Mr. Pig is Wicked Excited Too

As you can see...our good friend Mr. like totally excited about this new blog! It looks like he's performing
"Stop, in the name of love"..just me on that one?

WELCOME on a complete whim..and after reading dudemanphat's blog and realizing that we can be just as fun and insightful (and really..who needs to do work at work anyway) we have created.. (drum roll please) THE ADVENTURES OF AMY AND KELLY!!
(crowd roars..loud applause..some people are even doing the wave, its amazing)