The other day on my way home I was a bit aggravated and decided to stop for some alcoholic refreshment. Why was I aggravated you ask? Well, it took me almost two hours to drive to my parents house from work..Apparently rain kills peoples ability to drive above 25 mph, I left my pick up receipt for my new camera at work and had to use the worlds slowest computer to reporting it, then when i picked up the camera had to stand for 5 minutes staring at it behind the counter cuz the stupid customer service lady didn't know how to work her register and couldn't take 2.3 seconds to turn around and hand the package to me, because staring at her screen going "hmm..i don't get it" was way more productive...but i digress..
so i pick up my little six pack and march over to the counter...where i have this exchange with the lovely young man behind the counter, or lymbc.
lymbc: and how are you doing tonight?
me: good, you?
lymbc: awesome
me: awesome, really?
lymbc: yup..awesome...my chinese food just arrived so i'm pretty pumped about that, work hasn't been bad..plus when i woke up this morning, i was looking unbelievable (just kidding)
me: well then, i can see how you are doing awesome today
lymbc: yah...have a good night
needless to say, my night had improved greatly after that exchange, and after i had a cold one ...
ahahha..is it scary that after re-reading this post i just went to pic up my soda and was expecting it to be a beer.....did i mention i'm at work???