Friday, April 21, 2006

Chronicles of Nanny is BACK!

So Nanny has had a few gems in the past few weeks. I will try to recap them as best I can.

Nanny talking to Linda and myself about how excited she is the sox are coming back.
Nanny:"I think I might get a tatoo"
Me: "Really?"
Me: "What do you want it of"
Nanny:"I think I want a Red Sox logo"
Linda:"Seriously Ma, do you really want to get one?"
Nanny:"yup On my lower back."
Me: "But Nanny then no one would see it."
Nanny: "That's okay I don't wnat anyone to see it."
Me:" Than what is the point of a tatoo?"
Linda:"Sure Ma, you should get one."

Nanny after her surgery.
Me: "Nanny those tylenol with codeine starting to kick in?"
Nanny:"No, I think it's the pills."

Nanny at the Red Sox game last night reding the players name Cantu
Nanny: "Cantu. Hmm.."
Nanny: "I bet he can-too."

and just because this one caused a lot of laughter on Opening Day. Our toilet had a something wrong with it and the plumbers had to come fix it and this was the explanation I got.

Plumber: "the toilet wasn't i just replaced the caulk and ball instead of playing around with it"

More to come!

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

P.Daddy and Me throw down on Easter Sunday

So..on Easter Sunday (by the way..its always a Sunday, so why do we all feel the need to point this out by stating...easter sunday) I took my Dad to Fenway!! Woohoo! We scored tickets from Kelly because her Mom had purhcased 10 and only needed 7. Then we came to find out that she had two more seats to get rid of, but Kelly's uncle was going to take care of that. Moving on..
P.Daddy and I took the train in..which for whatever reason always seems to take forever. they should really have like a fenway express train..but i we get to the park and walk down to yawkey way..grab a delicous sausage..then head in. we grab some beers and are hanging out watching the guy on the stilts..good times. i then spot d.b and his sister so i go over to say hello to him and the rest of the group they are with. i then proceed back to p.daddy, who then asks why d.b did not come he grabs him and d.b and his sis come over and chat for a bit. then we head inside. we meet up with kelly's family and get ready to watch the game. good times are being had by all. found out that kelly's cousin managed to see the two open seats to a scalper..but there was no one sitting at the end of our section of seats, so we all figured that that guy didn't get to sell them. spoke to soon. a man and his 3 year old daughter come walking downt the row and sit next to my dad. okay..problem here. there were 3 empty seats next to p.daddy..we figured that the last two were the ones sold, and kelly would sit next to p.daddy..but no..the two seats next to my dad were sold***, which meant kelly would be sitting two seats away. not a big deal at the time because the game just started and kelly wasn't arriving till around 3:30/3:45. so throughout the game various people were sitting in kelly's seat, but we didn't care because she wasn't there...well..when she did finally show up there was a nice old man in her seat. p.daddy leaned over and told the guy that the person whose seat that was had arrived, he said okay and got up and levae (note: this is what normal people do) before i could even take another sip of beer some punk was sitting in kelly's seat. so p.daddy leaned over and again..very nicely, jsut told the kid that the person whose seat that was was here...and this is where it gets good.
p.daddy: just so you know, the person whose seat that is is here, so she's gonna need to sit down
punk #1: does she have a ticket?
p.daddy: yah, she has a ticket
punk #1: let me see it-why is she sitting over there then?
p.daddy: she just got here, she waiting for her seat to be empty to sit down
punk#1: why doesn't she just sit where she is...doesn't look like anyones sitting there
punk #2: dude..just f*in sit there
me: the people sitting in these seats are in the bathroom

Finally P.Daddy takes Kelly's ticket and sits down. Punk #1 sits in front of him, and his friend Punk #3 is sitting next to P.Daddy. They start talking shit about P.Daddy as if he's not there, so P.Daddy replies with some choice phrases (which i didn't even hear cuz he was basically whispering to these asses) such as:
I'll shove that beer so far up your ass that you will taste it..
Bring it on, get an usher, or shut the fuck up..

While this was all happening Punk #2 was talking some shit about me and kelly..and i jsut was not gonna have it i turned around and:
me: excuse me..does your ticket have a seat number on it..
Punk#2" uhh..uhhh..
Me: or does it sat standing room only?
Punk #2: i don't care
Me: then shut the fuck up

Needless to say me and P.Daddy left the game shortly after..and told eachother our version of the events like 10 times each while we waiting for the train..
happy easter to us!

Monday, April 10, 2006

Okay..seriously guys!

Twice! Twice I have been dupped. Thinking that this nice guy speaking to me is gay..because of comments about his shoes that he waited four years to buy, or the flambounce in the way he talks..funny handshakes..I don't know..the list goes on. But seriously, I get the whole metrosexual thing, but do not speand 10 minutes to me talking about your latest shopping spree, then try to hit on me..uh huh..not happening. I can only compare this feeling of disappointment when what you thought was going to be your new fun gay shopping buddy, tries to pick you up, to what it must feel like for a guy when he's hitting on a girl with a nice rack, only to find out she has on a miracle bra.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More fun from P.Daddy and kitty kat

Sitting at dinner the other night with my family eating a lovely roast beef feast when the following conversation transpires:

Mom to Dad: How's you meat? Is it hard?
(omg..i'm crying laughing just writing this)
Dad: "My meats just fine"
Me & My Sister-trying VERY hard not to cry out in laughter
Mom: "What, I don't get it, I was just worried about his meat"
Dad: "Don't you worry about my meat"
Mom: "I still don't get what's so funny"

Ahh..good times