In order of importance from least to most:
-the pile of work that's been sitting on my desk/inbox for about 2 weeks now
-put my clothes away
-wash my kitchen floor
-balance my checkbook
-clean out my car & get my tire fixed (which i really need to do because i had this awful dream about my tires...)
-play sonic
yep..i've been actually doing work lately..i know crazy..and due to that stupidenss i haven't been able to blog..which is sad...oh! don't cry! here...here's a tissue...

Okay..I'm done with work..seriously..so over it..why haven't I won the lottery yet?Well, at least March is almost over and I can start my official countdown to "amy leaves the country for a week" excitement! think i can sleep through the first two weeks of april in an attempt to speed up the waiting time before my vacation??
I almost forgot.. i was the 60,000 visitor to A Blog of a Good Time....where's my cookie!?