Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Things I haven't done lateley

In order of importance from least to most:

-the pile of work that's been sitting on my desk/inbox for about 2 weeks now


-put my clothes away


-wash my kitchen floor

-balance my checkbook

-clean out my car & get my tire fixed (which i really need to do because i had this awful dream about my tires...)


-play sonic


yep..i've been actually doing work lately..i know crazy..and due to that stupidenss i haven't been able to blog..which is sad...oh! don't cry! here...here's a tissue...

Okay..I'm done with work..seriously..so over it..why haven't I won the lottery yet?Well, at least March is almost over and I can start my official countdown to "amy leaves the country for a week" excitement! think i can sleep through the first two weeks of april in an attempt to speed up the waiting time before my vacation??

I almost forgot.. i was the 60,000 visitor to A Blog of a Good Time....where's my cookie!?

Friday, March 02, 2007

WWJD? or what would jasper do

Jasper is my cat

My cute cuddly sometimes super annoying becuase he's so vocal cat.

I, like many other pet owners have often contemplated what my cat's daily activities are, as I am not home. I am not home becaue my super cute cuddly annoying cat refuses to get a job and help with the rent. But I'm not bitter. So as I said, I have quietly pondered my cat's daily schedule, wondering if it would be worth it (aka entertaining) to set up a video camera so that I could catch him in action. I don't know if anyone else in my building has pets, but if they do, I'm sure Jassy invites them up and they all get hopped up on catnip and party like the felines they are.

Well today I "worked" from home, actually a few weeks I did a lot of "working" from home. And I can confirm, and share with you all, exactly what my cat does all day.

He sleeps.

Seriously..that's it

I didn't stay at my place lats night, so when I arrived home he was all bright-eyed and bushy tailed, excited that I was home, wanting to cuddle and play. I humored him and picked him up and pat him for a whole 2 minutes. Then he wanted food, then he wanted to sit on my lap and watch my type. And that was it. I think he was active for a whole hour. He has been past out-in various locations throughout my apartment, since about 10:30 this morning.

When he wakes up, I'm going to tell him he needs to get his act together or he's going to have to go live with my parents..ahahhahahha
*please note that my cat is not as cute and small as in this picture, which was taken about 4 years ago..he's about 10 pounds bigger now