10.) hanging out with friends all weekend long
9.) crying your eyes out because your sister kicks ass and give you awesome prizes (also not being able to finish your wedding speech because you are crying so much)
8.) having your hair and make-up done
7.) wearing a pretty dress and shoes that were very slippery..so thank god for flip flops
6.) dancing like an idiot with your friends and challenging people with care bear stares

5.) singing "sweet escape" and "umbrella" with a 6 year old that knows all the words
4.) drinking and somehow not paying for any of the drinks
3.) switching boyfriends with someone you've known since she was like 5
2.) friends who feel it necessary to run through sprinklers..and then hang out in a tub full of beer

1.) continuing to drink and have fun after your bf decides you suck and leaves at 2am