So...today is the last day of 2007. How nice of me to finally post after like..oh, a million years. I'm stuck at work and bored, so I thought I would give a quick run down of the highlights of 2007.
-Aruba-always a good time

-Martha's Vineyard-bike-riding, drinking, christine and her signature pose, and rocky...what more could a girl want out of a weekend. oh! and there was the psycho guy who ended up getting sent to the mental hospital after he tried to push one of the guys on our trip off his balcony. good times.

-JT....I'm so mad that my old phone died, for if it hadn't gave up on life and lost all its memory, I would have some lovely photos and videos to add to this post....oh..now i'm sad. luckily, HBO likes to show his concert from time to time. **
-Melissa's Bachelorette Party-it was one million degrees out..but that made going to the beach, and playing in the waves unbelievable. i don't think i've had that much fun in the water since i was like 12. pretending to be fountains, wine tasting, dinner, and of course ZOOM (and kelly dancing to like a virgin) made this weekend one for the books.

-Melissa's Wedding-please refer to my earlier post about the 10 best things about your sister getting married.
-Champagne Thursdays-another fabulous year filled with hanging out with the girls and heightening our taste in champagne (we think the expensive stuff sucks-also..colored champagne rocks)
-Buying my condo-completely stressful and crazy, but so glad i have a place to call my own!!
Um..yah..that's all i can think of for big stuff. Oh, we won the world series..obviously exciting. Pats are currently undefeated. Kelly and I will try to post more next year. oh! that will be our resoultion ;)
One other thing. I was watching the B's last night and noticed that Phil Kessell kinda looks like Spencer Pratt:

**my birthday is Januayr 29th if anyone would like to purhcase for me the JT tour DVD.