Wednesday, December 07, 2005

My promise to you....

So... yes... Amy and I have decided that we are WAY funnier than some people who have blogs! And yes... yes we are.... (i know you are saying prove it! but hang in there blog reader who doesn't want to work and is surfing the internet pretending to work). I have decided that now that we have a blog and it is to be used wisely I should promise to you, dear reader, that i will TRY to not drink and blog. Now all bets are off on this when my P.I.C. and I are drinking together and we find ourselves completely entertaining(like you didn't guess that all ready) and decide we want to post about... PYT's or our completely naive nature.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No worries's your 'get out of jail free' card for when you're hungover and need to call in sick, or if you want to create the illusion you have a fabulous job...

Amy & Kelly said...

partner in crime...