Cruise Control? Tom Tops List of Wacky Stars
CRUISE WOOS KATIE: Even the "mid-life crisis" excuse can't explain Cruise's eye-popping behavior: his couch-jumping "Oprah" antics; the proclamation of love for cutie Katie Holmes and ensuing engagement after two minutes of dating; their suck-face appearances on red carpets; his tangling with Matt Lauer on the "Today" show ... next time, instead of jumping on a couch, Cruise should consider laying on one.
For full story on all the fun wack jobs: http://wwwj.comcast.net/movies/news/index.jsp?cat=MOVIES&fn=/2005/12/14/283631.html
But seriously...the guy is tapped. I dont' know much about scientology..but I did take a class on phsychology of communication, and if you have a powerful enough 'leader' people will believe ANYTHING. This Ron. L Hubbard guy must be a pretty convincing writer, because he's one heck of a brain washer! Does anyone else remember those commercials for Dianetics (sp)? Those were great..I never had any idea what that was when I was little. Oh! Remember how it used to be in the check out line at the grocery store!? Am I dating myself.
And..i'd like to say...Katie Holme's sponge like brain which has sucked up all this bullsh*t and turned her into a freak just confirms all my gut feelings about her that she was annoying and stupid..from teh day she climbed up that ladder into dawson's bedroom i've disliked that girl. I obviously have an innate sense about people and am an excellent judge of character...
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