Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Giving it Up for Lent

The genius that I am has decided to give up drinking during the week. I know..that seems like common sense to most people..but not to me..or Kelly (sorry to throw you under the bus lady!). So there, that's what I'm giving up for lent. I have decided this because I have a small wine hangover and lets all face it-it SUCKS feeling like this at work. I don't want to do work, I want to stare at my cubicle walls and sleep with my eyes open. And for the life of me I can not get that new Shakira song out of my head "i'm on tonight my hips don't lie and it starts to feel right" seriously, as I typed that I was chair dancing. Nice.. can't work, but can function well enough to dance in my chair to the Shakira song in my head...sweet. Shakira Shakira! Okay..I'll stop now :)
Moving on.....OMG I can' I'm whiteling the song..WTF...Shakira has been embedded in my head...and I can't find the song ANYWHERE to listen to it. Oh, actually, its on her website...more fun whisteling and chair dancing.

AMENDEMENT TO MY LENT THING: I will not drink during the week, unless I'm on a date or need drinks for i don't want to look like a lame


Anonymous said...

You can throw me under the bus anytime! I quite often give up drinking during the week. This week was a MAJOR exception though. And that myfirends is my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

I hope you can do better with this... ;)

Anonymous said...

hmm.. if you don't go on dates during the week you will still do your not drinking during the week. :0 we shall rock climb instead! or you could go on a rock climbing date. that would be fun. ps i can't wait to dance to shakira in aruba.

Anonymous said...

I'm calling out anonymous - I know it's you Melissa! :)