Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Why are you like this? Like what? you are..

So the other night I was at BF house and we were watching MADE and afterwards we were blessed with the video premiere of 30 Seconds to Mars "Beautifl Lies". I watched. And I believe I now have 3 new wrinkles on my forward from looking at the TV in utter disbelief and horror. It was quite possible the stupidest video I have ever seen..and they shot it in Japan or you know it was expensive. It seriously made NO SENSE't get my wrong I like odd obscure videos..tool for example (except for the scary giraffe people), but this was just stupid...really..really..stupid
I also believe that his brother, who played his friend on My So Called Life is in the band too...lemme check..yep..Shannon Leto on drums.. what was his name on MSCL???

Anywho..I'm just SO glad that I have My So-Called Life on DVD so I can watch the good old Jared Catalano..oppps, I mean Leto whenever I want.

Scary: (your lucky i couldn't find the video on youtube) My So Called Life Jared:

Friday, November 17, 2006

Blame it on the Rain

How awesome was sleeping this morning? I wasn't too cold or too was nice and dark..AND it was raining...perfecto!

My cat woke me up at like 4am to try to make out with me in an attempt to wake me up so that i would feed him. the only place that got him was thrown out of my room so i could roll around in bed somemore. i kept hitting snooze until about 8am....which is late for me as i usually leave for work around 8/8:30..oops! so at like 8 i decided to still just be lazy and lay around in my bed..and then it happened...i got a song stuck in my head. this awfulness usually only happens when i wake up hangover, and all i want to do is sleep, but i can't because i have some stupid song loooping around in my i'm not sure why i was cursed with this today (as i was not hungover....i swear!) anywho...guess what song it was the crept into my head??? None other than "Blame it on the Rain" by Milli Vanilli...that's right..Milli Vanilli...and it just kept playing & playing in my head...until i got to work, when i was able to plug my ipod into my speakers and listen to it for real :)

If its stuck in your head now i'm make it better watch the video below...i tried to find the one that the Mickey Mouse Club did..but no luck :(

Thursday, November 16, 2006

One day, we'll be back

So Kelly & I vow to do some overhauling of our blog and start posting..because let's all* face it, its just been to god damn long.

So..quick update on me since we last posted...crap..when was the last time I posted was in July.

Well...since then I have tried out for and was chosen to be on the next Project Runway. I will be designing clothes for dogs and it should be a pretty exciting season...
okay..really...its not Project Runway...its America's Next Top Model..I didn't want to brag or anything..but trust that my upcoming posts will be FIERCE!

Probably the most fantastic thing that has happened was that we decided on a Champagne Thursday schedule..because all of us are idiots and couldn't keep dates straight. Tonight we will feast at Jen's house..and next week is my turn. I'm really excited becasue I got this KICK ASS recipe for Spinach Dip...and I know what you're thinking..."but amy, your spinach dip is already insanely good" well believe me my friend...this new one is going to rock your socks off..
if you are not a part of champagne thursday, i will make sure that everyone there describes the declisiousness of the dip, so that i may update this blog in hops that the words i type will be so real that it will be like you are actually eating the dip, and not reading about it...

oh..and if your not sure where Champagne Thursday comes from and your a girl, I seriously suggest renting "Failure to Launch'" good times!

* by all I mean the 3 people who used to read this

Friday, November 10, 2006

Had to post this...

Without further ado....

Chronicles of Nanny...


Linda doesn't' know what one is or has seen one so Kerry was shocked and turns to Nanny and says:

"Do you know what one is?"

Nanny: "Of course."

Fast forward to four days later when nanny and I are talking and she says...

" Yeah right Linda doesn't know what a dildo is."

Welcome to my life.