Tuesday, April 04, 2006

More fun from P.Daddy and kitty kat

Sitting at dinner the other night with my family eating a lovely roast beef feast when the following conversation transpires:

Mom to Dad: How's you meat? Is it hard?
(omg..i'm crying laughing just writing this)
Dad: "My meats just fine"
Me & My Sister-trying VERY hard not to cry out in laughter
Mom: "What, I don't get it, I was just worried about his meat"
Dad: "Don't you worry about my meat"
Mom: "I still don't get what's so funny"

Ahh..good times


Anonymous said...

hahaha i love that mom didn't get it. :)- mm

Anonymous said...

hahaahahah I don't know if it's because I'm drunk or because that's funny as hell, but I can't stop laughing. Your parents crack me up.