I thought I would elaborate more on last Saturday..aka Jill's suprise party which by the way, for such a surprise, Jill was looking all put together and ready for a party...but i digress...
so we are all sitting around watching the sox game and drinking-except for Linda, who amazingly enough, is probably a better time sober than drunk. We are thowing insults at the "old sluts" and they are throwing them back at us. Because Jill and I now have our Master's and that makes us the smartest people in the world, we decided to change "old sluts" to something better-especially since Linda made fun of the fact that that was all we could come up with. We threw around a few ideas, such as provative homosapians, elderly, and elderly provacative women (which was my personal favorite). A few more back and forths and the elderly provacative women are now calling us young impressionable good catholic girls (stop laughing) sluts as well..to which Kelly responds "i learned it by watching you, it was like a revolving door at our house when i was growing up" yah..Linda dated a lot...
So a little while later I am commenting on Linda's new haircut..its much shorter now, and easier to take care of:
Linda: See, now I don't have to worry about it when the next guy comes in through that revolving door.
Me: oh yah..all you have to do is "fluff fluff" and you're good to go
Linda: yeah, just blow and go
enough said...
To the three people other than Kelly and myself that read this have a great 4th of July!
Friday, June 30, 2006
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
New Chapter in the Chronicles of Nanny
I would liek to share with you all Nannyise. Yes her own language and if you are lucky you can learn it.
Its not difficult to learn. Filene's is Fi-lenes. Target is the Target or Targets. But quite possibly my favorite is how she say the name Penelope. Here is how Miriam Webster says it is supposed to be...Main Entry: Pe·nel·o·pe Pronunciation: pa-'ne-la-pE... But Nanny says it more like canteloupe... pen-e-lope. Like Pen e lope Cruz. It is quite entertaining.
Also, for you who actually read the Key West entry and thought things were in the friend zone for Nanny and Tom. Saturday she was caught with the picture of her and Tom and a picture of Tom in her purse...
Its not difficult to learn. Filene's is Fi-lenes. Target is the Target or Targets. But quite possibly my favorite is how she say the name Penelope. Here is how Miriam Webster says it is supposed to be...Main Entry: Pe·nel·o·pe Pronunciation: pa-'ne-la-pE... But Nanny says it more like canteloupe... pen-e-lope. Like Pen e lope Cruz. It is quite entertaining.
Also, for you who actually read the Key West entry and thought things were in the friend zone for Nanny and Tom. Saturday she was caught with the picture of her and Tom and a picture of Tom in her purse...
Monday, June 12, 2006
I know why Krispy Kreme didn't do well in Mass.

Yes I have the answer.
Today I saw a seagull with a Dunkin Donuts bag hanging out of its mouth. True Story. It looked as if the seagull had stopped at Dunkins for a bagel to go.
If the seagulls are going to Dunkin Donuts then well Krispy Kreme didn't stand a chance!
Imagine this seagull with a dunkin Donuts bag hanging from its mouth. I couldn't get a picture because I was too busy sitting in traffic.

Thursday, June 01, 2006
i know..i know..its been so long!

It's been like almost a whole month since Kelly or I have posted on this..and I don't think its been for a lack of material..i think its been that i spend 90% of my work day on myspace..i mean who has time to blog when i can find out what so and so did all weekend without even having to ask them! so great....
So what's been going on with the other 10% of my work day...well some of it goes to reading some of my favorite blogs, but the rest goes to excel. Yes, that's right, excel. My boss is an excel nazi-seriously! its like she has excel OCD..once she opens up a spreadsheet she HAS to keep playing with it..its really scary. So yesterday and today I've spent a total of 1.5 hours with her fixing (i say screwing up) my spreadsheet that i need to use for my immigration work.
the sheet is now huge and is so filled with dates it looks like the matrix..i will probably never be able to track things with it..but she seemed pretty happy so whatever..
hmm..what else is there..oh, we went to aruba (fantastic-and no, despite my moms best efforts we could not find natalie holloway) my sister got engaged ( i did not..but sooo fantastic for her!

okay..back to excel world!
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