Tuesday, June 27, 2006

New Chapter in the Chronicles of Nanny

I would liek to share with you all Nannyise. Yes her own language and if you are lucky you can learn it.

Its not difficult to learn. Filene's is Fi-lenes. Target is the Target or Targets. But quite possibly my favorite is how she say the name Penelope. Here is how Miriam Webster says it is supposed to be...Main Entry: Pe·nel·o·pe Pronunciation: pa-'ne-la-pE... But Nanny says it more like canteloupe... pen-e-lope. Like Pen e lope Cruz. It is quite entertaining.

Also, for you who actually read the Key West entry and thought things were in the friend zone for Nanny and Tom. Saturday she was caught with the picture of her and Tom and a picture of Tom in her purse...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha. Love it. My grandma has her own language too. Maybe it's a right of passage, and some day we will have our own. We will pronounce Bertuccis as 'PA-tu-chis' or bottles in a wierd sort of English way like my grandma.