It's been like almost a whole month since Kelly or I have posted on this..and I don't think its been for a lack of material..i think its been that i spend 90% of my work day on myspace..i mean who has time to blog when i can find out what so and so did all weekend without even having to ask them! so great....
So what's been going on with the other 10% of my work day...well some of it goes to reading some of my favorite blogs, but the rest goes to excel. Yes, that's right, excel. My boss is an excel nazi-seriously! its like she has excel OCD..once she opens up a spreadsheet she HAS to keep playing with it..its really scary. So yesterday and today I've spent a total of 1.5 hours with her fixing (i say screwing up) my spreadsheet that i need to use for my immigration work.
the sheet is now huge and is so filled with dates it looks like the matrix..i will probably never be able to track things with it..but she seemed pretty happy so whatever..
hmm..what else is there..oh, we went to aruba (fantastic-and no, despite my moms best efforts we could not find natalie holloway) my sister got engaged ( i did not..but sooo fantastic for her!

okay..back to excel world!
It's about time! I stopped checking this page for a while there.
I read the first sentence and saw the word 'myspace' and my brain shut down. I'm so addicted. I have to go I have to see if I have any new friend requests.
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