Release Casino is a term used at shows when the let the first few rows jump up and scream and act like idiots directly in front of the stage. How do I know this? Well…let’s start at the very beginning.
For x-mas, my parents, not knowing both got each other tickets to Billy Joel in January. Since they weren’t going to go to two shows, they picked the better night (Saturday) and the better seats (lodge 12, row 12) and gave me the other seats (Monday night, balcony 206) for my b-day. My sister and I planned on going and were pumped for a fun sister bonding night, when she remembered that she had school. I was bummed, but luckily my sister from another mister (ahah) was willing and able to go. So on Monday night, miss Kelly and I trecked(aka took the T) into town in the cold. We got to the show at about 8pm. Billy was scheduled to perform fro 2.5 hours straight from 8pm on. We jumped in line for our miller lites when a scary man approached me. He was short..and kinda too muscley, and didn’t really have a neck..and had long strangly hair. Naturally I was cautious. “is it just you two” he said. ‘Um, yah” we reply “just you two no one else” I’m thinking..what does this guy want us to buy him beer or something..this is odd. He then goes on “do you have pretty shitty seats” I’m like.."ahh.there okay” he then says “how would you like to sit in the 2nd row?” and starts showing us all these yellow comp tickets. Me and Kelly are all “are you serious? What’s the catch, etc.” he basically says no catch, he’ll walk us down and all we need to do is give him our regular tickets. At this point it seems pretty legit as he is wearing a tour pass thingy and is freaking out because apparently he has a time quota to fill. So we run (yes with beers) down the stairs and all the way to the floor. He shows us to our seats (2nd row) and off he goes. Me and Kelly can not believe this is actually happening. I mean..I believe in kharma, and I haven’t done anything that good to deserve this. This stuff never happens to either one of us. It is usually reserved for our luckiest friend in the world Candice (perhaps the lucky vibes you were sending me for Mohegan worked last night). So, the show starts..we’re taking pictures having a blast..then we look to our right and see an older couple…the women who is pretty decent looking for her age has on tight white jeans (hello..its January) and a lacey top..the guy she is with is a total dork, but none the less she is all over him..and he is loving it, and she is touching herself, grabbing her boobs and they are groping and grinding, shes' giving him lap dances..at one point they were making out and he had his hand on her ass and going up and down her shirt...definately a show with in a show.

Okay..so back to the show. After goodnight Saigon the casino gets releses (that’s us lucky people in the firt two rows) and to the stage we go. There at the stage is of course the wonderful event staff that keeps us from crowd surfing and mosh pitting (hello…billy joel concert.) hanging out standing directly in front of me..but okey whatever. Show is totally kicking ass..dancing..screaming..usual concert tom fullery. Scary lace lady is dancing next to me, basically grinding on anything that moves, including mr. event staff and the poor chick next to him. but i digress...so then mr. guitar guy throws his pick..i catch it and then it bounces out of my hand. The girl next to me picks it up and I’m fully excpecting her to hand it to me as we are all adults at an adult show..its not like Justin Timberlake just threw his shirt into the crowd, but the bitch scoops it up and starts jumping up and down (whatever!) so to make up for my loss mr. event staff gives me the set list (score)..about 10 minutes after he gives me the set list, he asks for it back (okay then) and I can see him writing on it. He then gives it back to me and tells me not to lose it. Kelly and I are rocking out..totally ignoring our plan of leaving at 10 (it’s now like 10:30) and stay till the end.
So..show rocks, we decide to go grab a beer at the Harp. There I decided to check out my set list, where I learn fun terms such as “release casino” and on the back there is a little message “let’s go for a “bottle of red, bottle of white” jon 444-444-4444. that crafty little mr. event staff..you witty thing you..
So we finish our beers and treck (aka walk quickly) over to North Station..where the night gets even weirder. We walk down the steps to the train platform, and we can both see that someone is on the tracks. Yes..on the friggin tracks.. we get closer and as we do two gentelemen (you guys kick ass) have lifted her up on to the platform. I notice her purse is still on the tracks and am very concerned (what if it was a coachie?) when one of the guys jumps down and picks it up. This is craziness. The woman is on the platform crying, how much it hurts. Kelly has run upstairs to get someone, and the other woman there (holly-works at fleetcenter boxes 601-604..tell her she rocks) has gone to the emergency phone. The guys pick her up and sit her down..the lady is a mess. I mean you’d have to be to fall into the train tracks. So train security lady comes down and starts talking to her, and the woman keeps like going in and out of it..wierd..then the cops come and they take her off to see if she’s okay.