She is in red, and I am in purple..just cuz.
i'm gonna skip. :(
my fish is sick!!!!!!!
Why? Are you skipping cuz your fish is sick?
i am skipping cuz i feel stressed out right now :( i dunno if i could wait til later in the week to tell you, i would like that..
That is fine Don’t be stressed my little chick mcnugget..i heart you!oh! thanhk you!! i heart you too! you should see my fish. the poor thing has whirling disease.. he has a gram positive bacterial infection of his swim bladder so he can't float regular, his head is always to the bottom of the bowl, and his tail is always pointing up. :(
How the heck did you figure out that he had a positive bacterial infection of his swim bladder? Did you take him to the vet? I want a picture!
my cubemate helped me (we were both pre-vet.) we found a website, and basically you use this chart to identify what kind of infection. my fish was swimming around in small circles and can't get to teh top of the bowl. so, i need to feed him peas and get him erythromycin. :( i'll send you a pic.
I sorry your fishy is sicky Thanks for the pic!
me too. i hope he is just bloated and needs a few days without food. i'll put him on south beach for fishies.
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