Okay I can't believe I had this conversation with Nanny but I did. A little background on the conversation. Nanny and her friend Kay did their usual weekend movie and dinner thing this Sunday and were very excited to see Brokeback Mountain. When I arrived home that night I asked her how it was. She said she wasn't sure if she liked it or not. I was intrigued so I asked if she knew it was about gay cowboys and she said yes and that wasn't the part that bothered her. So I ask what did bother you about it? She answered some of the more graphic and gorey scenes. SHe went into more detail about the gorey part that I will leave out in case anyone is going to see the movie. Then we had this conversation that in hindsight should have been weird but it's Nanny and so it wasn't.
Nanny: "you know how gay men have sex?"
Me: "yes"
Nanny: "Well they show it in the movie"
ME: "is that what you didn't like about it?"
Nanny: "no."
Nanny: "Later he has sex with his wife and he turns her over and has sex with her the way he did with the guy.
Me: "ok."
Just another Day with nanny.
Crying laughing..seriously..that's great!
My eyes are watering...
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