So..in exactly one week I'm going to turn the big two-nine. My last year in my 20's..the end of the world...weeping..weeping..
I'm sure it won't be that bad..but I'm scared. Not scared that I'm leaving my 20's behind and jumping into a whole new decade..i mean..of course i can't wait to be 30, flirty and fun..but scared because its an odd number. weird i know..but it seems that every year that is an odd number does not go so well for me...
for example:
13...girl stuff..
15..parents got divorced
17 & 19 I'm still working on..i'm sure i'll come up with something..i think when i was 19 i got in my first car accident..
21..things got bad with the roomies and i moved home
23..again..still working on it
25..got laid off at work, broke up with bf
27..my nana past away, bf moved out on me
So as you can see..I'm less than thrilled with the idea that in one week..I will be another odd number.
i can hear you now: but amy..that's silly..i'm sure bad stuff happened in the even years too right? wrong!
I mean..lets just take a quick look see here:
16-had my first drink (obviously a huge & great milestone) and i think i got my license this year too (can't recall that far back!)
18-graduated high school..summer full of hanging out with friends and partying..okay..so i did get mono but that just meant i didn't have to nanny for a few days and got to sleep a lot
20-had a single room in college..got together w/bf..grand old time in general
22-graduated college..other fun stuff happened
26-got back together with bf..got apt. together..
28-aruba, tennessee & orlando.got back together with bf again (its like a roller coaster ride, i realize this) parent's got remarried.
So I guess only time will tell how this year will go..maybe because its my Champagne Birthday..yes..that's right..I said Champagne Birthday is this year..things will turn out a bit brighter.
One's golden birthday, also called a champagne birthday, is the day when the age someone turns is the same as the day in the month he was born. (e.g. someone turning 20 on January 20th celebrates his golden birthday).
For more info on Golden or Champagne b-days:
apparently there is a book about it..and if anyone would like to get that for me that would be great..
And don't be a hater if you had your golden b-day when you were like 2 so you think this is stupid..its not..you're just jealous

...so there!