Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy Bird's Day AMY!!!!!

Happy Birthday(or bird's day) AMY!!!!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Scared of 29 exactly one week I'm going to turn the big two-nine. My last year in my 20's..the end of the world...weeping..weeping..

I'm sure it won't be that bad..but I'm scared. Not scared that I'm leaving my 20's behind and jumping into a whole new decade..i mean..of course i can't wait to be 30, flirty and fun..but scared because its an odd number. weird i know..but it seems that every year that is an odd number does not go so well for me...
for example:

13...girl stuff..
15..parents got divorced
17 & 19 I'm still working on..i'm sure i'll come up with something..i think when i was 19 i got in my first car accident..
21..things got bad with the roomies and i moved home
23..again..still working on it laid off at work, broke up with bf nana past away, bf moved out on me

So as you can see..I'm less than thrilled with the idea that in one week..I will be another odd number.

i can hear you now: but amy..that's silly..i'm sure bad stuff happened in the even years too right? wrong!
I mean..lets just take a quick look see here:

16-had my first drink (obviously a huge & great milestone) and i think i got my license this year too (can't recall that far back!)
18-graduated high school..summer full of hanging out with friends and i did get mono but that just meant i didn't have to nanny for a few days and got to sleep a lot
20-had a single room in together w/bf..grand old time in general
22-graduated college..other fun stuff happened
26-got back together with apt. together..
28-aruba, tennessee & back together with bf again (its like a roller coaster ride, i realize this) parent's got remarried.

So I guess only time will tell how this year will go..maybe because its my Champagne Birthday..yes..that's right..I said Champagne Birthday is this year..things will turn out a bit brighter.

One's golden birthday, also called a champagne birthday, is the day when the age someone turns is the same as the day in the month he was born. (e.g. someone turning 20 on January 20th celebrates his golden birthday).

For more info on Golden or Champagne b-days:

apparently there is a book about it..and if anyone would like to get that for me that would be great..

And don't be a hater if you had your golden b-day when you were like 2 so you think this is stupid..its're just there!

Monday, January 15, 2007

Because I'm stuck at work!

I realized this weekend that although I haven't listened to all of Fergie's new CD..I'm imagining that the rest of it must be just as wonderful as what we've already heard. I mean..she's sooo smart..and she really cares about teaching others. I think it dates back to when she was in Kids Inorporated...I mean.. I had no idea how to spell Kids until those fun loving singing/dancing tween spelled it out for me in their opening song...oooh looks like we made it we're kids incorporated....K....I....D....S....yah!

and now look at Fergie...she's all grown up, but hasn't forgotten her roots...thus far she's taught me how to spell glamorous, tastey*, delicious, and fergie. And that's just the beginning..she also teaches us history..I mean..hello..London Bridge? AND she also likes to teach us fun new meanings for words...for example...rock rock=hard on (okay..i don't know this for sure, but based on the hand gestures she was using when she performed on whatever awards show that was..i'm pretty sure that's what it means) So thank you were always my favorite on KIDS.

Moving on to more important things..I saw alphadog this weekend.. what a GREAT movie. Not only was Justin Timberlake's shirt off for 90% of it... he really is a great actor and I totally thought he just had a tiny part...but no..he was one of the main characters. Ben Foster was the scary creepy..forked up guy...really the whole cast was great. and the story is amazing...and sad. i knew that it was based on a true story, but i didn't do my homework before i i was a bit upset with it.. but Kelly and i talked the whole way home about it..and even if you're not a JT'll really enjoy this if you have today off and are sitting around staring out your window at the rain..go see alpha dog..and get me some popcorn!

The girl in the green tank top...AKA luckiest girl to play his jealous

*in doing spell check i notices that you do not spell tastey: t to the a to the stey girl you tastey..there is no e in tastey!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wishes for 2007

I'm not big on resolutions...okay..I love the idea of having them, but I rarely follow them through. Like last year, one of my resolutions was to stop hanging out with a certain male companion..and now we're dating..or wahtever you call you can see..I'm not really good at sticking to my guns.
So I'm not going to make a list of resolutions for this year, but rather a list of wishes...things that I hope I can accomplish in 2007. So here goes:
1.) Win Lottery
2.) If lottery does not come through have BF win lottery
3.) If that too fails, find great job that pays lots of money and is close to home
4.) Ideally buy a home..but if not, at least get a new apartment
5.) Become a supermodel and ridicsoulsy famous celebrity..marry justin timberlake #1 is a little out of my reach..but I think I'm in good shape for the rest : )

Things I'm looking forward to in 2007
a.) Aruba
b.) my sisters wedding
c.) thanksgiving (i had to think of something...2 happy reasons for 2007 is unacceptable)
oh wait! thought of another one..
d.) being tinkerbell for halloween FINALLY!

Things I'm not looking forward to in 2007
1.) being 29 (yikes!)
2.) all the people around me getting engaged, married, or having we really all grown up now?
3.) finding out my raise at current job (cuz if it ain't high won't be pretty round here)
4.) not going to Tennessee :(

Friday, January 05, 2007 NYE creepy is this:
My friend just sent this to me in an email entitled "interesting angle" um..yah..i would say so! NYE 2007..
So for NYE me & BF went over to our friends house up in Dracut for their annual party. I was at the first one and it was packed and crazy, and I guess the 2nd one was equally as packed and crazy. Well, the third one, while crazy, was definately not packed. There were 7 couples and then 8 "single" people there. My goal for the night was to get drunk...not only because it was NYE but because I decided to take January off from drinking (update on this..I CANT SLEEP). Anywho..I started pounding them back, because really..i like to reach the goals I set for myself as soon as possible. I played beer pong (I suck!) then ate some food, hung around with some of the girls and mingled...then after midnight it turned into Dance Party USA..Well..not foreverone but for most of us girls it did. Now..the house we were at just go the basement done used to be all carpet, but now when you walk downstairs, there's like 3-4 feet of tile (aka dance floor) and did i mention that there is a pole? not like stripper pole, but a i'm holding the ceiling up pole, but it can be used to twirl around non the less.
so i danced the night away with the girls then left at 2am because i was done. i thought i had a pretty good handle on the evening but i guess not, because i definately do not remember a.) grinding on the floor b.) dancing on the pole* 3.) people hooking up c.) the ride home***

*i've been told there are pictures of said dancing..if i ever get them perhaps i'll share

**luckily the person that i went with doesn't drink so don't worry..we arrived alive!

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Chronicles of Nanny

Ahh... nanny...

I was putting the Christmas tree away last night and the bag it was contained in resembled a body bag except it was green and not as shiny as the one's they use on Law and Order. So Nanny and I were joking around about it as i dragged it outside and propped/shoved it into the shed in a scene that reminded me of the part in Goonies where the guy falls out of the fridge onto Chunk. I am strange I know.

About an hour later Nanny and I are watching television and having a conversation about everything but the Christmas tree bag... and she says.

"If we ever needed a body bag we could use that."

Wild Turkey (not the whiskey)

Let me tell you a little story:

One dark wintery Sunday morning(okay so it was last SUnday and it was your typical winter morning when you dont' want to get up and go anywhere but if you are me you have to since your employees all abandoned you and you have to work.... but let's just back tot he story shall we...)

One dark, wintery and COLD Sunday morning our groggy blogger woke up and got ready for work and started her car. As she drove down her quiet still sleeping street she sees this...

Okay so maybe not this but that is what it reminded me of causing me to do a double take and slam on my breaks. It was really just a turkey but seriously this turkey was HUGE!

When I remembered to tell Nanny about it she said he apparently has taken up residence in the area and has been on top of houses(do turkey's fly) and stopping traffic.

I swear he just stared at me as I drove by.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Happy 2007!
Hope everyone had a fun & safe NYE.
Once Kelly & I have pieced our nights together..I'm sure we'll share :)