I realized this weekend that although I haven't listened to all of Fergie's new CD..I'm imagining that the rest of it must be just as wonderful as what we've already heard. I mean..she's sooo smart..and she really cares about teaching others. I think it dates back to when she was in Kids Inorporated...I mean.. I had no idea how to spell Kids until those fun loving singing/dancing tween spelled it out for me in their opening song...oooh looks like we made it we're kids incorporated....K....I....D....S....yah!
and now look at Fergie...she's all grown up, but hasn't forgotten her roots...thus far she's taught me how to spell glamorous, tastey*, delicious, and fergie. And that's just the beginning..she also teaches us history..I mean..hello..London Bridge? AND she also likes to teach us fun new meanings for words...for example...rock rock=hard on (okay..i don't know this for sure, but based on the hand gestures she was using when she performed on whatever awards show that was..i'm pretty sure that's what it means) So thank you Fergie...you were always my favorite on KIDS.
and now look at Fergie...she's all grown up, but hasn't forgotten her roots...thus far she's taught me how to spell glamorous, tastey*, delicious, and fergie. And that's just the beginning..she also teaches us history..I mean..hello..London Bridge? AND she also likes to teach us fun new meanings for words...for example...rock rock=hard on (okay..i don't know this for sure, but based on the hand gestures she was using when she performed on whatever awards show that was..i'm pretty sure that's what it means) So thank you Fergie...you were always my favorite on KIDS.
Moving on to more important things..I saw alphadog this weekend.. what a GREAT movie. Not only was Justin Timberlake's shirt off for 90% of it... he really is a great actor and I totally thought he just had a tiny part...but no..he was one of the main characters.

The girl in the green tank top...AKA luckiest girl EVER..got to play his girlfriend....so jealous
*in doing spell check i notices that you do not spell tastey: t to the a to the stey girl you tastey..there is no e in tastey!
Seriously it was SO nice to see Justin with his shirt off the enitre time!
can i just tell you how much i love both kids incorporated and justin timberlake.
is it lame that i still know all the words to the theme song?
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