okay..well..maybe not florida..but WTF!
I had my laptop at home this AM so I had to keep reminding myslef "don't forget the laptop, don't forget the laptop" Cuz really, it would totally suck if i dragged my ass to work only to realize that the thing i need to do my work..is at home..and this happened to my cube mate so i know it could actually have happened.
so..yah me! i didn't forget my lapt top, however, i did forget my lunch which meant i had to drop $6 on a healthy lunch of chicken fingers, o-rings, and a coca cola zero. But more importantly..i forgot my shoes. yes, my shoes. I always wear my uggs..cuz they are warm and way easier to drive in..then bring shoes with me to work. Nope, not today. And normally, this would not be an issue as my cube..is more of an ice cubicle then anything else. Seriously..its frigid in my office..but oh no, not today. I'm sitting here sweating my ass off like a woman in a snowsuit stuck in a sauna..ARGH!!!
Monday, February 27, 2006
While Nanny is on break..welcome P. Daddy
So..last night after dinner I'm helping the parents clean up and I notice how cute my mom's jeans are.
Me: Mom, are those new jeans
Mom: No, I don't think so
Me: Oh, they're really cute
P. Daddy: I think I have on my guess jeans
Me: Yes, you do..I can see the question mark on your ass
P. Daddy: There's no question about this ass
Mom: Is that how you talk to your daughter?
P. Daddy: Yah..cuz she's my baby bitch
Later on that night when I call my mom...
Mom: That's so funny you called, I was just thinking about you
Me: You were? What were you thinking
Mom: Just about how funny you are
Awesome :)
Me: Mom, are those new jeans
Mom: No, I don't think so
Me: Oh, they're really cute
P. Daddy: I think I have on my guess jeans
Me: Yes, you do..I can see the question mark on your ass
P. Daddy: There's no question about this ass
Mom: Is that how you talk to your daughter?
P. Daddy: Yah..cuz she's my baby bitch
Later on that night when I call my mom...
Mom: That's so funny you called, I was just thinking about you
Me: You were? What were you thinking
Mom: Just about how funny you are
Awesome :)
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Chronicles of Nanny will be on hiatus.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Chronicles of Nanny
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
I'm Starting a Club

First off...my concert curse of 2004 has been broken. For those of you that know me..in 2004 99% of the concerts I purchased tickets to were cancelled (thanks britney, christina, and jessica). Well..2005 I did pretty well and 2006 is off to a rockin start. I will continue my concert list, but first must add some that I forgot on my original list
-The Party-yes that's right, the MMC group. The first time I saw them was in the rain outside and we had just had a tipping lesson at sailing
-Perfect Circle-note to self..do not try to make up for missing your pill (thanks to the snowstorm that had me stuck in miami for 4 extra days) by taking 4 at once. They will make you almost pass out during a concert and the mean security people may not let you outside to enjoy the fridgid february air (thanks to the one guy that did finally let me out).
Coldplay-can't believe i forgot this one..actually its more of a miracle that i remember it. do not get absolutely shitfaced before the show-it will result in you crying throughout the show (thanks to the girl who handed me tissues) because every song reminds you of your boyfriend who just left you last week.
Kid Rock- I wanna dance in a cage!
Run DMC-who's house? run's house
Pussycat Dolls w/ Willa Ford-me and candice were the only ones who wanted to see them..and they were 2 hours late!
Okay..I'm pretty sure that's it.
Oh wait! Did i mention Celine?? good times!

So..here's my list for 2006:
Rascal flatts
Billy Joel
Billy Currington (YUMMY)
Brad Paisley
Now, on to my club. I have two lovely friends that I attend my fun country shows with. (we country folks gat to stick together) In 2 months we've gone to 3 shows, so I've decided we will have a country music tour club, and we will make t-shirts that on the front say country tour 2006, and on the back each time we see a show we'll write it on there with a sharpie. and we have to get cowboy hats..such a must at this point, and we'll have meetings to discuss upcoming events AND we're gonna have a fundraiser so that next year we can hire a driver to take us to all the shows cuz for some reason no country people ever come near boston. I've had to go to NH and Connecticut almost every time!
To further discuss my most recent even in NH..bars there are funny.
We went to this bar/club/restaruant afterwards, and neither I nor Joe remember the name..but it was something WB. SOOOOOOO funny. The people that worked there were acting as if they were working on landsdowne street. And there was this girl..flipping her hair like i've never seen anyone flip..doing that cute flirty lean on one leg more than the other, and laughing way to hard. basically trying tooo hard to get this guys attention..but the guy was so OBVIOUSLY gay. They played only music that came before 1995 and had the videos to go along with it. High point..they have this thing called goddess night, and if you sign up you get a bracelet and all your drinks and apps are half off. me and kara didn't sign up cuz really, how often will i be going to manchester, but our fun waitress gave us our drinks half off anyway! good stuff
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Reasons I could not have a hometown date if I was on the Bachelor.
I think I am the only one who still watches the Bachelor but i cna't help it. It is so entertaining to watch the girls get jealous of each other and fall head over heals for a guy they just met and has to lead them on for the sake of the show. And really when you have the first episode start of with a woman who is an OB/GYN say that her eggs are rotting and that she would like to reproduce soon to the bachelor. Well thats just good tv. Well over the past few seasons Nanny and I have watched and I have come to the conclusion that if I was on the bachelor and made it to the hometown dates episode(which most likely would NEVER happen) THe Bachelor and/or ABC could never come to my house. However, that being said if any of the Bachelors met Nanny and my family and were the funloving type then I would be a shoo-in to win.
Okay so now for my reasons why the Bachelor/ABC could never do a Hometown Date with me:
1. Who would cook? My family isn't known for its cooking. I am sure Nanny could do it but really either the Bachelor would have to or ABC would have to have it catered. Unless we decided to go all out and fire-up the BBQ.
2. The visit would have to take place when the planets aline or all of the following happen:
Linda doesn't go to Bob's
Bob comes over for dinner
Bob says something... to anyone
The Red Sox arent' playing
Dancing with the Stars isn't on
Boston Legal isn't on
My mother isn't away on vacation
Nanny isn't on Vacation
Any reality TV show isn't on
My sister finds someone to watch the children
3. Someone cleans my house. Nanny does her best but well she doesn't enjoy doing it. Not that I help at all. i guess I could for this.
4. The Bachelor and cre would have to wear ear plugs because we are not the quietest family
5: we would have to lock my neighbors house from the outside so that he wouldnt' come over and be nosey( sorry Bobby)
6. I would have to sit through embarrassing story after embarrassing story of what a naive child and teen I was and then he would have to sit and look at all the pictures from my "awkward 20 years"
7. The poor guy would really see what a women dominated house is really like.
8. I would have to lock my room and pretend that I live with Amy.
9. Where would we go for the "alone" time before and after? Playstead park? THe Fells reservation, VIctory?
Would the Bachelor stay at the Amerisuites?
Thats all I can think of for now. Feel free to tell me more.
However if the Bachelor and ABC did come to my house they would probably sign nanny up for her own reality tv show or alert E! that they could have a new entertainment reporter.
Okay so now for my reasons why the Bachelor/ABC could never do a Hometown Date with me:
1. Who would cook? My family isn't known for its cooking. I am sure Nanny could do it but really either the Bachelor would have to or ABC would have to have it catered. Unless we decided to go all out and fire-up the BBQ.
2. The visit would have to take place when the planets aline or all of the following happen:
Linda doesn't go to Bob's
Bob comes over for dinner
Bob says something... to anyone
The Red Sox arent' playing
Dancing with the Stars isn't on
Boston Legal isn't on
My mother isn't away on vacation
Nanny isn't on Vacation
Any reality TV show isn't on
My sister finds someone to watch the children
3. Someone cleans my house. Nanny does her best but well she doesn't enjoy doing it. Not that I help at all. i guess I could for this.
4. The Bachelor and cre would have to wear ear plugs because we are not the quietest family
5: we would have to lock my neighbors house from the outside so that he wouldnt' come over and be nosey( sorry Bobby)
6. I would have to sit through embarrassing story after embarrassing story of what a naive child and teen I was and then he would have to sit and look at all the pictures from my "awkward 20 years"
7. The poor guy would really see what a women dominated house is really like.
8. I would have to lock my room and pretend that I live with Amy.
9. Where would we go for the "alone" time before and after? Playstead park? THe Fells reservation, VIctory?
Would the Bachelor stay at the Amerisuites?
Thats all I can think of for now. Feel free to tell me more.
However if the Bachelor and ABC did come to my house they would probably sign nanny up for her own reality tv show or alert E! that they could have a new entertainment reporter.
Fish is not doing well!!!
ok i have a jd update:
i'm predicting he only has 3-4 days to live.
he's swimming better, but his pretty fins are shriveling up and his scales are starting to shed.
i think he's giving up- this morning i looked in his bowl and couldn't find him, only to realize he had buried himself under his rocks and was motionless at the bottom of the bowl :(
i'm predicting he only has 3-4 days to live.
he's swimming better, but his pretty fins are shriveling up and his scales are starting to shed.
i think he's giving up- this morning i looked in his bowl and couldn't find him, only to realize he had buried himself under his rocks and was motionless at the bottom of the bowl :(
Monday, February 06, 2006
Bases & Engagements..the rules have changed
Okay..so when did the bases change? Back in the day first base was kissing..second was some boob action, thrid involved privates, and fourth was all the way...when did first become the boob touching? and what the hell is third then? did i always have the bases messed up? being a girl, we really didn't nor do we actually refer to the bases when discussing our endevours..we use actually words and descriptions, so i'm not really sure what the kids are calling things these days..but i'm confused. okay..moving on..i had this great epiphany on the way to work today while i was listening to the radio talk about how sheryl crow and lance armstrong called off their engagemneng. so in the real world, people date..perhaps they fall in love, get engaged and get married..in hollywood, people meet, date for a day or two, get engaged and that is their relationship. this is why so many celebrity engagements are called off..they are confused. they've confused the whole actual relationship thing with wearing a pretty ring and prancing around with designers picking out chiffon or satin and choosing tiffany placesettings. while that seems like a great time..and i hope one day i too get to prance and show off shiny things..they are missing the whole point of getting engaged...its that you're in a relationship and in love...not that its the cool thing today..oh..oh..they have engagementships instead of relationships..hee hee!
now if you'll excuse me..i need to find a 13 year old to explain this base thing and then i need to pack up and leave for hollywood ( i need to find myself a man to have an engagementship with ..i found this really cute kate spade placesetting!)
now if you'll excuse me..i need to find a 13 year old to explain this base thing and then i need to pack up and leave for hollywood ( i need to find myself a man to have an engagementship with ..i found this really cute kate spade placesetting!)
Conversations with Nanny....
I should just make this a reocurring post on here...
So Super Sunday Nanny and I are sitting home watching the game together. Neither of us really caring about the game except the score so we can tell if we won any money. While watching the game for the commercials we have numerous conversations... that went a little like this:
Nanny: Who is playing?
Me: The Steelers and the Seahawks.
Nanny: Isn't Seattle playing?
Me: Yes.. they are the Seahawks.
Nanny: Hassleback.. Thats Elizabeth from the Views brother in law. Do you think she is there?
Me: I don't know she could be.
Nanny: Who is who?
Me: THe Steelers are in the white and yellow and the Seahawks are in the Blue.
Nanny: Oh good now I can figure out the squares.
Nanny: Who is the favorite?
Me: I am not sure. I heard they were pretty evenly matched.
Nanny: Who is the favorite?
Me: Didn't we just have this conversation?
Nanny: oh.
Me: Who do you want to win?
Nanny: The blue people.
Me: You meant the Seahawks?
Nanny: Yeah, the blue people.
Nanny: What number SuperBowl is this?
Me: No clue.
Nanny: why do they have to use roman numerals?
Me: I dont know.
Nanny: What does XL stand for?
Me: I thought X was 10.
Nanny: So what does the L stand for?
Me: I have no idea.
(after looking in the paper to find Superbowl XL all over the place and wondering if the columnists knew what it stood for they finally said it on TV (40) and nanny and I could rest easier)
So Super Sunday Nanny and I are sitting home watching the game together. Neither of us really caring about the game except the score so we can tell if we won any money. While watching the game for the commercials we have numerous conversations... that went a little like this:
Nanny: Who is playing?
Me: The Steelers and the Seahawks.
Nanny: Isn't Seattle playing?
Me: Yes.. they are the Seahawks.
Nanny: Hassleback.. Thats Elizabeth from the Views brother in law. Do you think she is there?
Me: I don't know she could be.
Nanny: Who is who?
Me: THe Steelers are in the white and yellow and the Seahawks are in the Blue.
Nanny: Oh good now I can figure out the squares.
Nanny: Who is the favorite?
Me: I am not sure. I heard they were pretty evenly matched.
Nanny: Who is the favorite?
Me: Didn't we just have this conversation?
Nanny: oh.
Me: Who do you want to win?
Nanny: The blue people.
Me: You meant the Seahawks?
Nanny: Yeah, the blue people.
Nanny: What number SuperBowl is this?
Me: No clue.
Nanny: why do they have to use roman numerals?
Me: I dont know.
Nanny: What does XL stand for?
Me: I thought X was 10.
Nanny: So what does the L stand for?
Me: I have no idea.
(after looking in the paper to find Superbowl XL all over the place and wondering if the columnists knew what it stood for they finally said it on TV (40) and nanny and I could rest easier)
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