Thursday, December 21, 2006
I Heart Kelly
A: okay!
sweet..i just got a phone call to let me know that i forgot to set the alarm..
kelly..i'm in an icky funk :(
K: for BF?
What can I do to help you snap out tof it?
A:i think just everything..
god i hate when i get this way
to help me snap out of it you could please:
turn some of my belly fat into muscle
clean my apartment
re-organize my closet
try on all my clothes to see what the heck actually fits me and what needs to go
finish melissa's scarf
wrap my x-mas presents
save money
pay of my credit card
clean my spare room
shred papers
get *** get a boyfriend so she'll leave mine alone
finsih making the photo calander for my parents which was for x-mas but they will now never get
plan melissa's shower
buy a dress for melissas shower
book my aruba tickets
train my cat so he's not such an asshole
find me a new job preferably one where i do something fun and get paid a tons of money
make sure i lay out my clothes the night before
get up early enough so i can attempt to make myself look half decent
go to the gym
a. you don't have belly fat because if you do than I don't even know how to explain what mine is.
b. Merry maids!
c. well now you know how I like to organize people's closets
d. if I could try on your clothes I would tell you nothing fits you and would take all the cute clothes home with me.
e. finishing Melissa's scarf could be a therapeutic activity for you.
f. if I didn't have to still shop for mine I would
g. me save money or you? what happened to ING?
h. goes with the ING thing and when I marry rich/ win the lottery/ rob a bank I will
I. Put everything in the closet and then it is done. but when I have a night off(hahahah) maybe we can work on that one.
j. come- on now. just put the shredder in front of you while you are watching tv and shred them all the while pretending it is ***'s hair
k. Put her picture up on match and get her a date! and then go on a double date!
l. give it to them as a delayed gift. is it a home made one or an ofoto one?
m. I will definitely help with the planning of the shower. Have it at Blu and get my discount
n. When is the shower? you have mucho time to buy it and hit the sales after xmas. (jcrew has some good stuff on there that will be going on sale.)
o. If I had money I would. and then buy myself one. keep checking expedia. I bought mine last year in january/february remember?
p. ask for that for your birthday or regift him to your parents.
q. I offered you the HR position here but was refused( not that I blame you) i think personal assistant would be good for you!
r. buy a valet thingy and then it would be fun to lay out your clothes
s. if I knew how to do that one I would be on time to work everyday!
t. come and work a few shifts for me (bday parties) and you can work out for free and see famous people and get me to work out.
That Kelly..she can be so reasonable sometimes..i heart her
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
A Brighter Discontent
other than that all i have to really talk about is being sick..which sucks. my throat started to hurt a bit on monday night..but i didn't let it get to me..then at some point yesterday my neck got stiff and my voice got all scratchy (or deep scratchy sex goddessy..whichever you prefer) and i felt all swolen in my throat..awesome. this did not stop me from going out to eat with my dad..cuz really..i'm poor and free food is free food. so i decdied that the cause for my illness was that i didn't get any sleep the night before, due to the fact that i had to roll out of bed at 6am to go to a 7:30am meeting at work (gross) i figured i'd get a good night's sleep and be all better...not! (ahha..i can't remember the last time i used that..and it makes me think of borat..anyway).
i woke up this morning...late..knowing that i would problaby need to go to the doctors. so i sat up in my bed at around 8am and decided to test it out...which basically means i had to start talking to myself outloud to see how bad my voice sounded and if it hurt to did.. so i call my doctors office who apparantly doens't open till 8:30 and went back to bed for a bit..8:40 on the dot i called back and was informed that they were upgrading their system and that they couldn't see anyone off to prompt care i go.
2...2 and 1/2 hours later i emerged from prompt rapid strepe test negative, and november's issue of allure that i took from the office (that's the least they could do after waiting that long) and a promise from dr. something or other (who was really tiny and wierd looking) that if its strepe she'll call me
on a happier note last night was the season finale of nip/tuck..and it was good..and had a really good song at the end that the case lipsynced to...i guess what i didn't like is that now it all starts over..jsut in a new location...i dunno..guess we'll see..and ps. can't wait for "dirt" to come on next week.
okay..i've rambled about nothing for long to work!
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Chronicles... what... of Nanny
So with out further ado... I give you Thursday nights happenings...
Me in bed at 11:00 p.m. after getting home, being locked out and breaking into the house(yup I am so good I may be considering a life of crime) and realizing that Nanny went out with the girls for dinner.
Her last words to me were that she would be home a little after me. Which I thought would be around 8:30p.m. so I left work around 8ish and when I broke into the house around 9 she still wasn't home.
When she finally did arrive home after 11p.m.(better social life than I have) she comes flying in the house opens the door to my room and yells:
Nanny: "Kelly"
Me: "yes?"
Nanny: "oh you are home."
Me: "yes."
Nanny: "Who's car is in the drive way?"
Me: "Mom's"
Nanny: "oh"
Sidebar: Linda got her plates switched a few weeks ago. Now I can hear Nanny and two other people chatting about how they didn't know who's car it is... it is at this point I realize she is drunk. Now she goes out the door and no one comes back for about 10 minutes. I am curious but not enough to get out of bed. What can I say I am lazy and wasn't sure I wanted to know what is going on. Just that this is going to be great to blog about. When she comes back in(from driving a friend home) we have this conversation.
Me: "Nanny?"
Nanny: "yup!"
Me: "Did you have fun?"
Nanny: " Oh My god."
Nanny: "Oh my god Kelly"
Me: " Have a few drinks Nanny?"
Nanny: " Oh my god."
Please try to picture this exchange with Nanny saying Oh My God in a sing songy voice because that is what she was doing and it made it so much better. I will re-enact it when I see the 2 people who read this.
nanny: "wooo."
Me: " so you had a good time?"
Nanny " Oh my god! I had one BIG Manhattan at the restaurant. Then we went back to Jackie's and I had two B and B's on the rocks. Wooooo."
This is followed by many Woo's and then announces she is going to bed. She likes to say wooo a lot which is usually annoying but in this case VERY funny!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Why are you like this? Like what? you are..

Friday, November 17, 2006
Blame it on the Rain
My cat woke me up at like 4am to try to make out with me in an attempt to wake me up so that i would feed him. the only place that got him was thrown out of my room so i could roll around in bed somemore. i kept hitting snooze until about 8am....which is late for me as i usually leave for work around 8/8:30..oops! so at like 8 i decided to still just be lazy and lay around in my bed..and then it happened...i got a song stuck in my head. this awfulness usually only happens when i wake up hangover, and all i want to do is sleep, but i can't because i have some stupid song loooping around in my i'm not sure why i was cursed with this today (as i was not hungover....i swear!) anywho...guess what song it was the crept into my head??? None other than "Blame it on the Rain" by Milli Vanilli...that's right..Milli Vanilli...and it just kept playing & playing in my head...until i got to work, when i was able to plug my ipod into my speakers and listen to it for real :)
If its stuck in your head now i'm make it better watch the video below...i tried to find the one that the Mickey Mouse Club did..but no luck :(
Thursday, November 16, 2006
One day, we'll be back
So..quick update on me since we last posted...crap..when was the last time I posted was in July.
Well...since then I have tried out for and was chosen to be on the next Project Runway. I will be designing clothes for dogs and it should be a pretty exciting season...
okay..really...its not Project Runway...its America's Next Top Model..I didn't want to brag or anything..but trust that my upcoming posts will be FIERCE!
Probably the most fantastic thing that has happened was that we decided on a Champagne Thursday schedule..because all of us are idiots and couldn't keep dates straight. Tonight we will feast at Jen's house..and next week is my turn. I'm really excited becasue I got this KICK ASS recipe for Spinach Dip...and I know what you're thinking..."but amy, your spinach dip is already insanely good" well believe me my friend...this new one is going to rock your socks off..
if you are not a part of champagne thursday, i will make sure that everyone there describes the declisiousness of the dip, so that i may update this blog in hops that the words i type will be so real that it will be like you are actually eating the dip, and not reading about it...
oh..and if your not sure where Champagne Thursday comes from and your a girl, I seriously suggest renting "Failure to Launch'" good times!
* by all I mean the 3 people who used to read this
Friday, November 10, 2006
Had to post this...
Chronicles of Nanny...
Linda doesn't' know what one is or has seen one so Kerry was shocked and turns to Nanny and says:
"Do you know what one is?"
Nanny: "Of course."
Fast forward to four days later when nanny and I are talking and she says...
" Yeah right Linda doesn't know what a dildo is."
Welcome to my life.
Monday, August 21, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Thank you M&M Liquors

The other day on my way home I was a bit aggravated and decided to stop for some alcoholic refreshment. Why was I aggravated you ask? Well, it took me almost two hours to drive to my parents house from work..Apparently rain kills peoples ability to drive above 25 mph, I left my pick up receipt for my new camera at work and had to use the worlds slowest computer to reporting it, then when i picked up the camera had to stand for 5 minutes staring at it behind the counter cuz the stupid customer service lady didn't know how to work her register and couldn't take 2.3 seconds to turn around and hand the package to me, because staring at her screen going "hmm..i don't get it" was way more productive...but i digress..
so i pick up my little six pack and march over to the counter...where i have this exchange with the lovely young man behind the counter, or lymbc.
lymbc: and how are you doing tonight?
me: good, you?
lymbc: awesome
me: awesome, really?
lymbc: chinese food just arrived so i'm pretty pumped about that, work hasn't been when i woke up this morning, i was looking unbelievable (just kidding)
me: well then, i can see how you are doing awesome today
lymbc: yah...have a good night
needless to say, my night had improved greatly after that exchange, and after i had a cold one ... it scary that after re-reading this post i just went to pic up my soda and was expecting it to be a beer.....did i mention i'm at work???
Friday, June 30, 2006
And about last Saturday
so we are all sitting around watching the sox game and drinking-except for Linda, who amazingly enough, is probably a better time sober than drunk. We are thowing insults at the "old sluts" and they are throwing them back at us. Because Jill and I now have our Master's and that makes us the smartest people in the world, we decided to change "old sluts" to something better-especially since Linda made fun of the fact that that was all we could come up with. We threw around a few ideas, such as provative homosapians, elderly, and elderly provacative women (which was my personal favorite). A few more back and forths and the elderly provacative women are now calling us young impressionable good catholic girls (stop laughing) sluts as which Kelly responds "i learned it by watching you, it was like a revolving door at our house when i was growing up" yah..Linda dated a lot...
So a little while later I am commenting on Linda's new haircut..its much shorter now, and easier to take care of:
Linda: See, now I don't have to worry about it when the next guy comes in through that revolving door.
Me: oh yah..all you have to do is "fluff fluff" and you're good to go
Linda: yeah, just blow and go
enough said...
To the three people other than Kelly and myself that read this have a great 4th of July!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
New Chapter in the Chronicles of Nanny
Its not difficult to learn. Filene's is Fi-lenes. Target is the Target or Targets. But quite possibly my favorite is how she say the name Penelope. Here is how Miriam Webster says it is supposed to be...Main Entry: Pe·nel·o·pe Pronunciation: pa-'ne-la-pE... But Nanny says it more like canteloupe... pen-e-lope. Like Pen e lope Cruz. It is quite entertaining.
Also, for you who actually read the Key West entry and thought things were in the friend zone for Nanny and Tom. Saturday she was caught with the picture of her and Tom and a picture of Tom in her purse...
Monday, June 12, 2006
I know why Krispy Kreme didn't do well in Mass.

Yes I have the answer.
Today I saw a seagull with a Dunkin Donuts bag hanging out of its mouth. True Story. It looked as if the seagull had stopped at Dunkins for a bagel to go.
If the seagulls are going to Dunkin Donuts then well Krispy Kreme didn't stand a chance!
Imagine this seagull with a dunkin Donuts bag hanging from its mouth. I couldn't get a picture because I was too busy sitting in traffic.

Thursday, June 01, 2006
i know..i know..its been so long!

It's been like almost a whole month since Kelly or I have posted on this..and I don't think its been for a lack of material..i think its been that i spend 90% of my work day on myspace..i mean who has time to blog when i can find out what so and so did all weekend without even having to ask them! so great....
So what's been going on with the other 10% of my work day...well some of it goes to reading some of my favorite blogs, but the rest goes to excel. Yes, that's right, excel. My boss is an excel nazi-seriously! its like she has excel OCD..once she opens up a spreadsheet she HAS to keep playing with it..its really scary. So yesterday and today I've spent a total of 1.5 hours with her fixing (i say screwing up) my spreadsheet that i need to use for my immigration work.
the sheet is now huge and is so filled with dates it looks like the matrix..i will probably never be able to track things with it..but she seemed pretty happy so whatever..
hmm..what else is there..oh, we went to aruba (fantastic-and no, despite my moms best efforts we could not find natalie holloway) my sister got engaged ( i did not..but sooo fantastic for her!

okay..back to excel world!
Friday, April 21, 2006
Chronicles of Nanny is BACK!
Nanny talking to Linda and myself about how excited she is the sox are coming back.
Nanny:"I think I might get a tatoo"
Me: "Really?"
Me: "What do you want it of"
Nanny:"I think I want a Red Sox logo"
Linda:"Seriously Ma, do you really want to get one?"
Nanny:"yup On my lower back."
Me: "But Nanny then no one would see it."
Nanny: "That's okay I don't wnat anyone to see it."
Me:" Than what is the point of a tatoo?"
Linda:"Sure Ma, you should get one."
Nanny after her surgery.
Me: "Nanny those tylenol with codeine starting to kick in?"
Nanny:"No, I think it's the pills."
Nanny at the Red Sox game last night reding the players name Cantu
Nanny: "Cantu. Hmm.."
Nanny: "I bet he can-too."

and just because this one caused a lot of laughter on Opening Day. Our toilet had a something wrong with it and the plumbers had to come fix it and this was the explanation I got.
Plumber: "the toilet wasn't i just replaced the caulk and ball instead of playing around with it"
More to come!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
P.Daddy and Me throw down on Easter Sunday
P.Daddy and I took the train in..which for whatever reason always seems to take forever. they should really have like a fenway express train..but i we get to the park and walk down to yawkey way..grab a delicous sausage..then head in. we grab some beers and are hanging out watching the guy on the stilts..good times. i then spot d.b and his sister so i go over to say hello to him and the rest of the group they are with. i then proceed back to p.daddy, who then asks why d.b did not come he grabs him and d.b and his sis come over and chat for a bit. then we head inside. we meet up with kelly's family and get ready to watch the game. good times are being had by all. found out that kelly's cousin managed to see the two open seats to a scalper..but there was no one sitting at the end of our section of seats, so we all figured that that guy didn't get to sell them. spoke to soon. a man and his 3 year old daughter come walking downt the row and sit next to my dad. okay..problem here. there were 3 empty seats next to p.daddy..we figured that the last two were the ones sold, and kelly would sit next to p.daddy..but no..the two seats next to my dad were sold***, which meant kelly would be sitting two seats away. not a big deal at the time because the game just started and kelly wasn't arriving till around 3:30/3:45. so throughout the game various people were sitting in kelly's seat, but we didn't care because she wasn't there...well..when she did finally show up there was a nice old man in her seat. p.daddy leaned over and told the guy that the person whose seat that was had arrived, he said okay and got up and levae (note: this is what normal people do) before i could even take another sip of beer some punk was sitting in kelly's seat. so p.daddy leaned over and again..very nicely, jsut told the kid that the person whose seat that was was here...and this is where it gets good.
p.daddy: just so you know, the person whose seat that is is here, so she's gonna need to sit down
punk #1: does she have a ticket?
p.daddy: yah, she has a ticket
punk #1: let me see it-why is she sitting over there then?
p.daddy: she just got here, she waiting for her seat to be empty to sit down
punk#1: why doesn't she just sit where she is...doesn't look like anyones sitting there
punk #2: dude..just f*in sit there
me: the people sitting in these seats are in the bathroom
Finally P.Daddy takes Kelly's ticket and sits down. Punk #1 sits in front of him, and his friend Punk #3 is sitting next to P.Daddy. They start talking shit about P.Daddy as if he's not there, so P.Daddy replies with some choice phrases (which i didn't even hear cuz he was basically whispering to these asses) such as:
I'll shove that beer so far up your ass that you will taste it..
Bring it on, get an usher, or shut the fuck up..
While this was all happening Punk #2 was talking some shit about me and kelly..and i jsut was not gonna have it i turned around and:
me: excuse me..does your ticket have a seat number on it..
Punk#2" uhh..uhhh..
Me: or does it sat standing room only?
Punk #2: i don't care
Me: then shut the fuck up
Needless to say me and P.Daddy left the game shortly after..and told eachother our version of the events like 10 times each while we waiting for the train..
happy easter to us!
Monday, April 10, 2006
Okay..seriously guys!
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
More fun from P.Daddy and kitty kat
Mom to Dad: How's you meat? Is it hard?
(omg..i'm crying laughing just writing this)
Dad: "My meats just fine"
Me & My Sister-trying VERY hard not to cry out in laughter
Mom: "What, I don't get it, I was just worried about his meat"
Dad: "Don't you worry about my meat"
Mom: "I still don't get what's so funny"
Ahh..good times
Friday, March 31, 2006
Key West trip recap (finally finished it!)
So Shall I recap the trip? You know you want me too! It was chock full of wonderful Nanny moments... and one for Linda too!
1:As You all can see from the lovely picture on St Patrick's Day Nanny decided to have a drink at 10 am at the Chili's in the Fort Lauderdale Airport. Yes this is quite amusing but how she got the big fun drink was funnier. Since the first thing my family looks at on a menu is the drink section of course this is where we started... However this menu only had the "fun" drinks on the back along with what Chili's likes to call sidekicks. Which Nanny thought was an actual drink and ordered a sidekick of Grand Marnier. (no clue how to spell it) Well Kerry and I had to explain that it was a shot and not a drink. So this led to her getting the shot AND the big fun drink. Where upon she drank a few sips and then declared...
" mmmm... This is good...."
and proceeded to dump the grand marnier shot into it. Mind you this is after she took one of her anxiety pills for flying!
2: Key West Family!!! Always a good time especially since they rag on us like they just saw us yesterday.... "Hey Kerry didn't you go skinny dipping with your cousin?' and "hey Kelly did you pass by the Navy Base?" Glad I am here to amuse you guys... If you keep reading this blog you will get much more stuff to rag on me for!
We head back to our hotel where we proceed to get a cooler and drink poolside even though it says not too and there are two children under 15 months old there. So we are all chit chatting and drinking and swimming (because they always mix) and we have been ragging on Nanny and Tom, (background for all who don't know. Tom is my grandfathers sisters husband, Tracey and Shawn's dad, not KW Shawn, and well since Shawn and Janice's wedding they have had a little flirtation and we have pics to prove it!) SO I need to go back to the room where Uncle Tom and Nanny are "watching" JP and knock on the door. No answer. I knock again. No answer. I can't hear anything so I pound on the door (which JP's room is next too) and still no answer. Well after about 5 minutes but it seemed SOOOO much longer. Nanny finally answers the door and says
" I thought I heard someone knocking."
Hmm.... what were Nanny and Uncle Tom REALLY up to? We'll never know because they both declared that they talked about them being companions and they will never do it. However they will still kiss for the cameras just to get a rise out of us!
3. After a fun day of grilling and sitting in the sun and playing cards at Tracey and Shawn's and thanking god I was not preggers or had a child so that I can still be the irresponsible twenty-eight year old I am, Linda decides she wants to go Downtown. Let it be known that it wasn't me who decided this! So I ask her if she is sure and she says Yes. So we head downtown and go to Sloppy Joe's , cant' come to Key West and not go there. Nothing special about it but it seems to be a tradition now. So I get a beer and Linda gets a Virgin daiquiri. Fun times. We listen to the band and watch the poor white trash families with the fat mom in a bikini and her kids watching her have her 4th drink.. "You have a Baby. In a bar."
Anyway, after a beer we head to Irish Kevins because its just fun. Think Jimmy PlunkettKey West style with a little less 80's music and yelling at people on the street. Good Times. Now we get in there and Linda and I are having a blast and I am thinking that the dirty song this guy is having the girl sing is SO wrong to be listening to with your Mom. So we get a table and have another round and that's when Linda notices the Shot girl. Linda watches "shot girl" walk around a few times and then we proceed to have this convo.
Linda: "What are those"
Me: "test tube shots"
Linda: "Oh. What's in them?"
Me: "No clue"
(I ask shot girl and then tell Linda)
Linda: "Sounds good. You should have one"
Me: "That's okay I am all set."
Linda: "How much are they."
(I ask Shot girl)
Me: "$2"
Linda: (sliding $2 my way) " Have one"
Me: "Are you trying to live vicariously through me?"
Linda: laughs
I take the money and do the shot. Linda looks at the test tube takes it and then proceeds to lick the rim of the test tube.
4. JP had fun and didn't stop moving.
5. Did I mention JP was there.
6. Oh and Caroline was there too.
Not that anyone cares about the last 3 but I think it is funny because we have about 50 pictures of JP and like 4 of everyone else.
Friday, March 17, 2006
Friday, March 03, 2006
Random Thought
Okay, so you believe that you shouldn't have sex until your married. You wait, get married, have sex (i would hope) then get divorced. Do you then keep your beliefs and don't have sex again unitl you're married..or are all bets off???
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Failed Already
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Giving it Up for Lent
Moving on.....OMG I can' I'm whiteling the song..WTF...Shakira has been embedded in my head...and I can't find the song ANYWHERE to listen to it. Oh, actually, its on her website...more fun whisteling and chair dancing.
AMENDEMENT TO MY LENT THING: I will not drink during the week, unless I'm on a date or need drinks for i don't want to look like a lame
Monday, February 27, 2006
I feel like i'm in florida
I had my laptop at home this AM so I had to keep reminding myslef "don't forget the laptop, don't forget the laptop" Cuz really, it would totally suck if i dragged my ass to work only to realize that the thing i need to do my at home..and this happened to my cube mate so i know it could actually have happened.
so..yah me! i didn't forget my lapt top, however, i did forget my lunch which meant i had to drop $6 on a healthy lunch of chicken fingers, o-rings, and a coca cola zero. But more importantly..i forgot my shoes. yes, my shoes. I always wear my uggs..cuz they are warm and way easier to drive in..then bring shoes with me to work. Nope, not today. And normally, this would not be an issue as my more of an ice cubicle then anything else. Seriously..its frigid in my office..but oh no, not today. I'm sitting here sweating my ass off like a woman in a snowsuit stuck in a sauna..ARGH!!!
While Nanny is on break..welcome P. Daddy
Me: Mom, are those new jeans
Mom: No, I don't think so
Me: Oh, they're really cute
P. Daddy: I think I have on my guess jeans
Me: Yes, you do..I can see the question mark on your ass
P. Daddy: There's no question about this ass
Mom: Is that how you talk to your daughter?
P. Daddy: Yah..cuz she's my baby bitch
Later on that night when I call my mom...
Mom: That's so funny you called, I was just thinking about you
Me: You were? What were you thinking
Mom: Just about how funny you are
Awesome :)
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Chronicles of Nanny will be on hiatus.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Chronicles of Nanny
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Friday, February 10, 2006
I'm Starting a Club

First concert curse of 2004 has been broken. For those of you that know 2004 99% of the concerts I purchased tickets to were cancelled (thanks britney, christina, and jessica). Well..2005 I did pretty well and 2006 is off to a rockin start. I will continue my concert list, but first must add some that I forgot on my original list
-The Party-yes that's right, the MMC group. The first time I saw them was in the rain outside and we had just had a tipping lesson at sailing
-Perfect Circle-note to not try to make up for missing your pill (thanks to the snowstorm that had me stuck in miami for 4 extra days) by taking 4 at once. They will make you almost pass out during a concert and the mean security people may not let you outside to enjoy the fridgid february air (thanks to the one guy that did finally let me out).
Coldplay-can't believe i forgot this one..actually its more of a miracle that i remember it. do not get absolutely shitfaced before the show-it will result in you crying throughout the show (thanks to the girl who handed me tissues) because every song reminds you of your boyfriend who just left you last week.
Kid Rock- I wanna dance in a cage!
Run DMC-who's house? run's house
Pussycat Dolls w/ Willa Ford-me and candice were the only ones who wanted to see them..and they were 2 hours late!
Okay..I'm pretty sure that's it.
Oh wait! Did i mention Celine?? good times!'s my list for 2006:
Rascal flatts
Billy Joel
Billy Currington (YUMMY)
Brad Paisley
Now, on to my club. I have two lovely friends that I attend my fun country shows with. (we country folks gat to stick together) In 2 months we've gone to 3 shows, so I've decided we will have a country music tour club, and we will make t-shirts that on the front say country tour 2006, and on the back each time we see a show we'll write it on there with a sharpie. and we have to get cowboy hats..such a must at this point, and we'll have meetings to discuss upcoming events AND we're gonna have a fundraiser so that next year we can hire a driver to take us to all the shows cuz for some reason no country people ever come near boston. I've had to go to NH and Connecticut almost every time!
To further discuss my most recent even in NH..bars there are funny.
We went to this bar/club/restaruant afterwards, and neither I nor Joe remember the name..but it was something WB. SOOOOOOO funny. The people that worked there were acting as if they were working on landsdowne street. And there was this girl..flipping her hair like i've never seen anyone flip..doing that cute flirty lean on one leg more than the other, and laughing way to hard. basically trying tooo hard to get this guys attention..but the guy was so OBVIOUSLY gay. They played only music that came before 1995 and had the videos to go along with it. High point..they have this thing called goddess night, and if you sign up you get a bracelet and all your drinks and apps are half off. me and kara didn't sign up cuz really, how often will i be going to manchester, but our fun waitress gave us our drinks half off anyway! good stuff
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Reasons I could not have a hometown date if I was on the Bachelor.
Okay so now for my reasons why the Bachelor/ABC could never do a Hometown Date with me:
1. Who would cook? My family isn't known for its cooking. I am sure Nanny could do it but really either the Bachelor would have to or ABC would have to have it catered. Unless we decided to go all out and fire-up the BBQ.
2. The visit would have to take place when the planets aline or all of the following happen:
Linda doesn't go to Bob's
Bob comes over for dinner
Bob says something... to anyone
The Red Sox arent' playing
Dancing with the Stars isn't on
Boston Legal isn't on
My mother isn't away on vacation
Nanny isn't on Vacation
Any reality TV show isn't on
My sister finds someone to watch the children
3. Someone cleans my house. Nanny does her best but well she doesn't enjoy doing it. Not that I help at all. i guess I could for this.
4. The Bachelor and cre would have to wear ear plugs because we are not the quietest family
5: we would have to lock my neighbors house from the outside so that he wouldnt' come over and be nosey( sorry Bobby)
6. I would have to sit through embarrassing story after embarrassing story of what a naive child and teen I was and then he would have to sit and look at all the pictures from my "awkward 20 years"
7. The poor guy would really see what a women dominated house is really like.
8. I would have to lock my room and pretend that I live with Amy.
9. Where would we go for the "alone" time before and after? Playstead park? THe Fells reservation, VIctory?
Would the Bachelor stay at the Amerisuites?
Thats all I can think of for now. Feel free to tell me more.
However if the Bachelor and ABC did come to my house they would probably sign nanny up for her own reality tv show or alert E! that they could have a new entertainment reporter.
Fish is not doing well!!!
i'm predicting he only has 3-4 days to live.
he's swimming better, but his pretty fins are shriveling up and his scales are starting to shed.
i think he's giving up- this morning i looked in his bowl and couldn't find him, only to realize he had buried himself under his rocks and was motionless at the bottom of the bowl :(
Monday, February 06, 2006
Bases & Engagements..the rules have changed
now if you'll excuse me..i need to find a 13 year old to explain this base thing and then i need to pack up and leave for hollywood ( i need to find myself a man to have an engagementship with ..i found this really cute kate spade placesetting!)
Conversations with Nanny....
So Super Sunday Nanny and I are sitting home watching the game together. Neither of us really caring about the game except the score so we can tell if we won any money. While watching the game for the commercials we have numerous conversations... that went a little like this:
Nanny: Who is playing?
Me: The Steelers and the Seahawks.
Nanny: Isn't Seattle playing?
Me: Yes.. they are the Seahawks.
Nanny: Hassleback.. Thats Elizabeth from the Views brother in law. Do you think she is there?
Me: I don't know she could be.
Nanny: Who is who?
Me: THe Steelers are in the white and yellow and the Seahawks are in the Blue.
Nanny: Oh good now I can figure out the squares.
Nanny: Who is the favorite?
Me: I am not sure. I heard they were pretty evenly matched.
Nanny: Who is the favorite?
Me: Didn't we just have this conversation?
Nanny: oh.
Me: Who do you want to win?
Nanny: The blue people.
Me: You meant the Seahawks?
Nanny: Yeah, the blue people.
Nanny: What number SuperBowl is this?
Me: No clue.
Nanny: why do they have to use roman numerals?
Me: I dont know.
Nanny: What does XL stand for?
Me: I thought X was 10.
Nanny: So what does the L stand for?
Me: I have no idea.
(after looking in the paper to find Superbowl XL all over the place and wondering if the columnists knew what it stood for they finally said it on TV (40) and nanny and I could rest easier)
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
fish update (for those of you who were concerned)
I think JD is going to be ok.
After performing extensive research on the internet, I decided to follow the advice of one fish owner who's own little pet suffered from swim bladder disease. One of the causes of swim bladder disease is constipation. It was recommended to keep the fish off food for 4 days. I also need to change his food from pellet to gel form. I'm on day 2 of not feeding, and he can now swim fairly upright… Now he seems to be struggling to get to the bottom of the bowl, but at least he can get to the surface for air.
Pictures to follow.
Hey Melissa..
I’m a little concerned about this line:
but at least he can get to the surface for air.
Is your fish a mammal?
Do you have a whale and not really a beta fish? Or is a dolphin? What kind of shop are they running over there???
no, it is a fish... i meant that he needed to get to the surface cuz the water at the surface has more oxygen than the water at the bottom.. most fish tanks are aerated to make sure that there is the correct level of oxygen in the water for the fish to breathe, but for fish that live in bowls, like goldfish and bettas, they normally spend more time near the surface to get the extra oxygen:
"The surface of the water where it comes into contact with the atmosphere tends to hold a higher content of oxygen. Goldfish can survive in non-aerated aquariums because they spend most of their time at the surface"
well then...
Release Casino

Release Casino is a term used at shows when the let the first few rows jump up and scream and act like idiots directly in front of the stage. How do I know this? Well…let’s start at the very beginning.
For x-mas, my parents, not knowing both got each other tickets to Billy Joel in January. Since they weren’t going to go to two shows, they picked the better night (Saturday) and the better seats (lodge 12, row 12) and gave me the other seats (Monday night, balcony 206) for my b-day. My sister and I planned on going and were pumped for a fun sister bonding night, when she remembered that she had school. I was bummed, but luckily my sister from another mister (ahah) was willing and able to go. So on Monday night, miss Kelly and I trecked(aka took the T) into town in the cold. We got to the show at about 8pm. Billy was scheduled to perform fro 2.5 hours straight from 8pm on. We jumped in line for our miller lites when a scary man approached me. He was short..and kinda too muscley, and didn’t really have a neck..and had long strangly hair. Naturally I was cautious. “is it just you two” he said. ‘Um, yah” we reply “just you two no one else” I’m thinking..what does this guy want us to buy him beer or something..this is odd. He then goes on “do you have pretty shitty seats” I’m like.."ahh.there okay” he then says “how would you like to sit in the 2nd row?” and starts showing us all these yellow comp tickets. Me and Kelly are all “are you serious? What’s the catch, etc.” he basically says no catch, he’ll walk us down and all we need to do is give him our regular tickets. At this point it seems pretty legit as he is wearing a tour pass thingy and is freaking out because apparently he has a time quota to fill. So we run (yes with beers) down the stairs and all the way to the floor. He shows us to our seats (2nd row) and off he goes. Me and Kelly can not believe this is actually happening. I mean..I believe in kharma, and I haven’t done anything that good to deserve this. This stuff never happens to either one of us. It is usually reserved for our luckiest friend in the world Candice (perhaps the lucky vibes you were sending me for Mohegan worked last night). So, the show starts..we’re taking pictures having a blast..then we look to our right and see an older couple…the women who is pretty decent looking for her age has on tight white jeans (hello..its January) and a lacey top..the guy she is with is a total dork, but none the less she is all over him..and he is loving it, and she is touching herself, grabbing her boobs and they are groping and grinding, shes' giving him lap one point they were making out and he had his hand on her ass and going up and down her shirt...definately a show with in a show. rocks, we decide to go grab a beer at the Harp. There I decided to check out my set list, where I learn fun terms such as “release casino” and on the back there is a little message “let’s go for a “bottle of red, bottle of white” jon 444-444-4444. that crafty little mr. event witty thing you..
So we finish our beers and treck (aka walk quickly) over to North Station..where the night gets even weirder. We walk down the steps to the train platform, and we can both see that someone is on the tracks. Yes..on the friggin tracks.. we get closer and as we do two gentelemen (you guys kick ass) have lifted her up on to the platform. I notice her purse is still on the tracks and am very concerned (what if it was a coachie?) when one of the guys jumps down and picks it up. This is craziness. The woman is on the platform crying, how much it hurts. Kelly has run upstairs to get someone, and the other woman there (holly-works at fleetcenter boxes 601-604..tell her she rocks) has gone to the emergency phone. The guys pick her up and sit her down..the lady is a mess. I mean you’d have to be to fall into the train tracks. So train security lady comes down and starts talking to her, and the woman keeps like going in and out of it..wierd..then the cops come and they take her off to see if she’s okay.

Monday, January 30, 2006
She is in red, and I am in purple..just cuz.
i'm gonna skip. :(
my fish is sick!!!!!!!
Why? Are you skipping cuz your fish is sick?
i am skipping cuz i feel stressed out right now :( i dunno if i could wait til later in the week to tell you, i would like that..
That is fine Don’t be stressed my little chick mcnugget..i heart you!oh! thanhk you!! i heart you too! you should see my fish. the poor thing has whirling disease.. he has a gram positive bacterial infection of his swim bladder so he can't float regular, his head is always to the bottom of the bowl, and his tail is always pointing up. :(
How the heck did you figure out that he had a positive bacterial infection of his swim bladder? Did you take him to the vet? I want a picture!
my cubemate helped me (we were both pre-vet.) we found a website, and basically you use this chart to identify what kind of infection. my fish was swimming around in small circles and can't get to teh top of the bowl. so, i need to feed him peas and get him erythromycin. :( i'll send you a pic.
I sorry your fishy is sicky Thanks for the pic!
me too. i hope he is just bloated and needs a few days without food. i'll put him on south beach for fishies.
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
conversations you have with family that are weird...

Okay I can't believe I had this conversation with Nanny but I did. A little background on the conversation. Nanny and her friend Kay did their usual weekend movie and dinner thing this Sunday and were very excited to see Brokeback Mountain. When I arrived home that night I asked her how it was. She said she wasn't sure if she liked it or not. I was intrigued so I asked if she knew it was about gay cowboys and she said yes and that wasn't the part that bothered her. So I ask what did bother you about it? She answered some of the more graphic and gorey scenes. SHe went into more detail about the gorey part that I will leave out in case anyone is going to see the movie. Then we had this conversation that in hindsight should have been weird but it's Nanny and so it wasn't.
Nanny: "you know how gay men have sex?"
Me: "yes"
Nanny: "Well they show it in the movie"
ME: "is that what you didn't like about it?"
Nanny: "no."
Nanny: "Later he has sex with his wife and he turns her over and has sex with her the way he did with the guy.
Me: "ok."
Just another Day with nanny.
Friday, January 20, 2006
MySpace is Crack

It starts just as any addiction does. Okay, I'll try a little..all my friends are doing it so it can't be that bad. So, one day at work while you're bored out of your mind you do get a myspace account. And that's it. You fill out a few things, maybe post a pic..then that's it...for a little while. Then you continue to be bored at work at start searching on myspace, and see all the fun things you can do to your page..oh look! i can have music? wow! where did they get those fun animated pictures? you are intrigued..maybe this is more fun than you thought. Then! Then! You find someone you know..maybe someone you haven't seen in years..maybe an ex-boyfriend that has moved to california..and now you are hooked. You email all your friends and ask them to join, because that's what friends do-get other friends addicted. you design your page..take survey, start posting comments..and it is a full blown addiction. you need to log on many times each day to see who's online, who has left a comment, who else you can find..
god..whatever happened ot picking up the phone and actually talking to people? you got me..
okay..gotta go check my myspace :)
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
People are Stupid
I hate today...
Monday, January 16, 2006
Dinosaur Attacks NYC

Okay, so this weekend I went to NYC with the family to see the best person in the world..Huey Lewis performing in CHICAGO. Here’s how the weekend went. After a four hour bus ride, in which I had to sit next to a complete stranger who was sleeping, we arrived at the lovely and immaculate port authority. After some struggle with the rents over how to actually get out of the port authority (apparently the fact that ive been there before did not warrant listening to me) we grabbed a cab and headed to our hotel. The hotel was booked by my aunts husband, and my sister and I were def. worried about it from the start. So we arrived at the “boutique” hotel and attempted to check in. There were supposed to be three rooms, they could only find two, and that’s because someone decided to book a room under my aunts maiden name (why? We’ll never know) then we find out that the rooms all have full size beds..which is okay, because my sister and I are comfortable enough that we can spoon J So, we finally get the room thing straightened out and head off to lunch. We go to a fun little deli, have some much needed drinks and food..then a dinosaur tries to attack my sister (see picture). When the waiter dropped off our check there was this super fun dinosaur and I grabbed and was like “you shall be mine” so then we started playing with it (obviously) and then the waiter comes to pick up the $$ and looks at me and goes “oh, you can keep that” oh, really? I didn’t know? Did he really think I was going to give away my new friend?
So then we went shopping at super fun Century 21 (they seriously need to take a class in customer service) and then we were leaving when we run into SUPER old friends. Okay, well..the parents of super old friends of me and my sister. They are great and we all caught up. One of their sons just got married in vegas so they were there to celebrate. After that wonderful moment we jump in a cab and head back to the room. Ahh..the room..i have one word.

Plays over..had some drinks…back to the room..which is 100 degrees..seriously. the ac doesn’t work so we have to sleep with the windows open..which is fine until about 3/3:30 when people start leaving the clubs..and the taxis are loud..and people are loud..and the bed was awful..and it was just gross. I had the worst sleep ever. Okay..i don’t feel like complaining about this anymore..the weekend could have been a lot better, but the show was great. Next time…my sister and I are booking our own room !!!
PS: Huey Razzled & Dazzled!!!

Friday, January 13, 2006
My head is in a vice

Debbie Gibson
Huey Lewis
Billy Joel
Color Me Badd
Lenny Kravitz
ZZ Top
The Village People
Counting Crows
Buffalo Tom
Letters to Cleo
God Lives Under Water
Blink 182
Less than Jake
Sonic Youth
Pear Jam
Kenny Chesney
Tim McGraw
Grechen Wilson
Dixie Chicks
Michelle Branch
Dashboard Confessional
G Unit
50 Cent
Jay Z
Whitney HoustonCeline Dion
Goo Goo Dolls
No Doubt
Britney Spears
Christina Auguliera
Justin Timberlake
Black Eyes Peas
DropKick Murphys
JC Chasez
Tony Lucca
Joe Firstman
Angie Apara
John Mayer
The Who
Manhattan Transfer
Thursday, January 12, 2006
Care Bear STARE!

As a side-bar I find it kinda disturbing that they actually make Care Bear gumm Bears... I mean I would eat them too but in a way it is kind of strange... But thanks Amy for taking this picture of your last three gummi Care Bears JUST so i could have a picture of them doing the Care Bear Stare! Now that is TRUE friendship!!!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Okay..don't mean to be behind in the times, but I had no idea about this. My beloved Calogero "C" killed a cop! This is crazy! Check out the link below for info, but apparantly he and another guy gunned down a cop in the Bronx.. I can't even think of anything funny to say..this is just too..."movie life turned reality" this kid needs to realize that they don't yell "cut" after you shoot a cop..that you actually just shot stunt man for this..